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Breakfast bites: Teamsters tossed; DeSantis ranked 22nd; Lib groups push for non-citizens to register voters

Tasty news nuggets to start your day…

Teamsters tossed from XPO Logistics in Miami

Unionized employees of XPO Logistics employees in Hialeah, Florida, successfully voted to oust Teamsters Local 769 union officials from their workplace earlier this week. The employees filed a union decertification petition with the National Labor Relations Board and received free legal assistance from the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation. This achievement was made easier in Florida, a “right to work” state, where workers are not obligated to pay union dues or fees. The success in Florida follows similar efforts by XPO Logistics employees in New York, California, New Jersey, and other states, demonstrating a growing trend of workers seeking to exercise their rights and vote out their unions. (Full story)

DeSantis approval rating ranks 22nd among nation’s governors

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, serving his second term, has an approval rating of 56% and a disapproval rating of 38%, making him the 22nd most popular state governor in the country according to 2023 survey data. DeSantis, along with other governors, is constantly under public scrutiny as the highest-ranking and highest-profile elected official in the state government – but for the past year has increasingly garnered national attention as a presidential candidate, as well. His recent entry into the 2024 GOP presidential primary has also likely skewed the ratings. The data from Morning Consult, a public opinion research company, was used to rank the governors based on their approval ratings, with ties broken by disapproval ratings and sample sizes. (View all state rankings here)

Liberal groups fight to use non-citizens in voter registration efforts

In federal court this week, left-wing groups openly acknowledged their reliance on non-U.S. citizens to aid in voter registration. The groups are attempting to block parts of Florida’s new election law, SB 7050, which they argue violates the First Amendment and is discriminatory. The new law, enacted to secure Florida elections, prohibits non-U.S. citizens from participating in voter registration activities and introduces substantial fines up to $50,000 for violations. Advocates for the right to use non-citizens, including the NAACP, the League of Women Voters of Florida, and the Hispanic Federation, are urging Chief U.S. District Judge Mark Walker to issue a preliminary injunction, contending that the law will hinder their ability to register Black and Hispanic voters. To exemplify the impact, they revealed that a substantial portion of their workforce are non-citizens. Despite their arguments, Florida maintains that the law, set to take effect July 1, allows a 90-day compliance period and is a crucial measure for ensuring the accuracy and timeliness of the registration process. The final ruling from the federal judge is pending, leaving many organizations in limbo. (Full story)

DeSantis unveils plans to close federal agencies as president

On the presential campaign trail this week, Governor Ron DeSantis announced his plans to close four federal agencies, including Education, Commerce, Energy, and the IRS, if he is elected president. DeSantis emphasized his goal to reduce the size and scope of government, expressing his willingness to work with Congress on this matter. However, if Congress does not cooperate, he said he intends to use these agencies to combat what he perceives as woke ideology and leftism infiltrating American institutions. DeSantis seeks to differentiate himself from former President Donald Trump by taking a more conservative stance on various issues. DeSantis’ proposal aligns with Trump’s desire to eliminate federal funding for schools promoting critical race theory or inappropriate content. The governor has previously criticized the IRS as a “corrupt organization” and expressed support for replacing the existing tax structure with a flat tax system. While DeSantis’ campaign has not provided further details, his efforts to dismantle federal agencies echo those of previous Republican presidential candidates. (Full story)

Florida ranks middle of the pack in Electric Vehicle infrastructure prep

Florida ranks 20th out of 33 states that have started preparing for a future with more electric vehicles (EVs). The report, called the 2023 State Transportation Electrification Scorecard by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, evaluates states’ policies promoting EV adoption. The report highlights that EVs currently make up only 7% of the U.S. light vehicle fleet. Florida had the second-highest ranking among Southern states, with Virginia leading the region. The report suggests that policymakers in other states should adopt California’s Advanced Clean Cars II regulations, which aim for 100% zero-emission vehicle sales by 2035, to drive EV deployment and development in the EV charging market.