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DeSantis gives update on Florida’s hurricane season readiness

In preparation for hurricane season, the Florida Department of Emergency Management currently has more than 10 million masks on hand that can be handed out to hurricane shelters and be used by people working within shelters. During a press conference Monday held at the Miami-Dade Emergency Operations Center, Governor Ron DeSantis announced updates on Florida’s hurricane season readiness amongst Covid-19.

“From day one of the Covid pandemic, the Department of Emergency Management here in Florida has continued planning for hurricane season. Over the past 18 months the division is invested in emergency management to increase capabilities and we expect those investments to pay dividends in a year where we anticipate an active hurricane season,” said DeSantis.

DeSantis addressed state sheltering that is in place and the newly created PPE reserve.

“You will see sheltering and evacuation may look little bit different this year. Very early on the division created a PPE reserve for hurricane season and right now the division has more than 10 million masks on hand that can be handed out to shelters and used by people working at shelters,” said DeSantis.

The governor also announced that the Department of Emergency Management organized a deal with HoneyWell to receive more personal protective equipment for the hurricane season as well as more generators for shelters across the state.

“The division also secured a long-term deal with HoneyWell, to receive 12 million N-95 masks which can also be used for hurricane season. I directed the division to purchase 50 generators to make sure we can get the power back on quickly if areas are hard hit, and this is the most generators that the state has ever owned,” said the governor.

DeSantis also stated that the state level is recommending that shelters use temperature checks and other methods of screening to help identify individuals who may have Coronavirus.

“The divison’s also used guidance from CDC, FEMA and the American Red Cross to create its own sheltering guidance and has provided that two counties, obviously that involves physical distancing within shelters, typically these are things like gymnasiums, auditoriums. The division’s also planning if necessary to use some non-congregating sheltering, these would be alternative facilities even like a hotel to allow for more space and separation,” said DeSantis.