🔥 EMOJI-METER 🔥Sometimes words just aren’t enough. |
Ron DeSantis |
No Phase 2. No vacation rentals. No large gatherings. No actual evidence lockdowns help more than they hurt. But gyms are open and we can all get haircuts now. | |
South Florida Sun Sentinel |
Another newsroom votes for union solidarity. But hey, just because unions send 90% of all dues to Democrats doesn’t mean they’re liberals. | |
It’s been a relatively slow news week, but that didn’t stop the FDP from trying to turn Nikki Fried’s visit to a swamp fire into a political issue. | |
Richard Corcoran |
Florida’s Education Commissioner has a tough task: figuring out how to get 3 million students back to school in the fall. You think Florida is polarized now? Just wait until August. | |
Florida Virtual School |
Once viewed as an outcast by some of their brick and mortar counterparts, FLVS is now the pre-eminent online education model. Enrollment has skyrocketed and will only accelerate. | |
Parents of Public Schoolchildren |
Sorry moms and dads. As much as we want to see schools open in the fall, the political risks are just too great and the election is just too close. Teachers unions are powerful things. We’re calling it now: public schools won’t be open for business as usual in the fall. But many charter schools might. |