Fresh off the final debate in the Democratic gubernatorial candidate Thursday night, former Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine didn’t waste anytime going on the attack against President Donald Trump and the National Rifle Association in a new campaign spot (see below)..
“Despite the shooting deaths of 17 people in Parkland, despite the pleas of parents, Donald Trump promised the NRA he’s with them all the way,” the announcer says in the spot. “Philip Levine felt that we had to stop the violence now, demanding Florida pass the toughest gun safety laws in the nation.”
The NRA came up frequently during Thursday’s debate.
Orlando-area businessman Chris King said he was proud to introduce a “bullet tax” to raise money to help combat gun violence.
“We know for the past two decades, the NRA has flooded our communities with ammunition and firearms,” King said. “It’s time they take responsibility and paying for the cost of protecting our families.”
Palm Beach real estate investor, Jeff Greene, called the NRA “repulsive” and former Congresswoman Gwen Graham vowed to issue an executive order that would ban military-styled assault weapons on her first day in office. Meanwhile, Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum said he already stood-up to the NRA when he was sued by the gun lobby group over gun regulations in his city.
All five candidates vowed to repeal the state’s Stand Your Ground law that was backed by the NRA.
“As Governor and as a parent, Philip Levine will take on the NRA, or anyone who stands in our way,” the announcer goes on to say in the Levine ad that’s called “Levine vs. Trump: Round 1.”
“As Donald Trump hand-picks Rick Scott’s successor for Governor, the state of Florida needs a leader with a proven record of fighting back and standing up when it counts,” said Christian Ulvert, Levine’s senior adviser. “We cannot let Trump and the NRA rule our state—we can’t stand by while our state’s gun laws remain some of the loosest in the nation.”
Levine, who at one time was considered to be the front-runner in the Democratic race for governor, has slipped to second or third in recent polls, with Graham taking the front-runner status.