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Scott campaign cranks out another television ad, this one targets Bill Nelson’s voting record

Another day, another campaign ad by the Rick Scott campaign.

The latest spot (see below), as first reported by the Tampa Bay Times, is called “Party Line” and attempts to depict Bill Nelson as a Democratic U.S. senator who votes along party lines, undermining his image as a moderate.

The ad features a series of comments from unidentified voters regarding the claim that Nelson votes along party lines.

“That’s what’s wrong with our broken Congress,” one man said. “Everybody is a  party line voter and Bill Nelson is one of those.”

“I think Nancy Pelosi is a huge influence on the Democratic Party and Bill Nelson,” another man says.

This ad, which will run statewide, is the latest in a series of television sports run by Scott’s campaign. So far it has spent at least $5 million on television ads since Scott announced his candidacy for the Senate on April 9. A political action committee has spent another $3 million dollars on ads. Those numbers don’t include this newest ad and one released yesterday in Spanish that is geared toward the state’s Puerto Rican community.

Scott’s previous spots have focused on term limits for members of Congress, an issue that he has called a top priority of his campaign. Another ad puts an emphasis on the need for more business leaders to serve in Washington, suggesting they know better how to get things done.

Nelson, who is seeking his fourth term in the U.S. Senate, has yet to run a television ad.

While Nelson has voted for key Democratic issues, the Times points out that he has reached out across the aisle to vote with Republican Sen. Marco Rubio on bipartisan issues. The Times also points to the fact that Nelson ranks near the middle of the Senate — no. 37 — in Georgetown University’s Lugar Center – McCourt School Bipartisan Index.

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