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Swamp swap? Rumors of a win-win role reversal between Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis

In the shadowy corridors of power where Florida’s political chess is played, whispers of an unprecedented job swap between U.S. Senator Rick Scott and Governor Ron DeSantis are stirring up a storm. It’s a tale that might make even the most seasoned political strategist’s head spin – a strategic ballet that draws on the historical precedent of George Wallace’s wife replacing him as governor of Alabama, combined with the more recent example of Governor Charlie Crist’s crafty Senate seat maneuvering to install his chief of staff, George LeMieux, as a placeholder after the departure of U.S. Senator Mel Martinez.

Here’s the inside scoop, gleaned from sources so high-profile, they might as well be etched in the state’s political pantheon or at least associated with such figures. Picture this: Senator Rick Scott, a man who seemingly relished his gubernatorial reign more than his current senatorial duties, and DeSantis. Their paths could be on the cusp of an extraordinary cross, much to the chagrin of likely GOP gubernatorial hopefuls Matt Gaetz, Byron Donalds, and likely others.

Consider the chessboard. Scenario one: DeSantis misses the GOP gubernatorial nomination in 2024, leading to a potentially aimless two-year lame-duck period. Meanwhile, rumors in Washington D.C. suggest Scott is itching to return to his gubernatorial throne.

Then there’s Casey DeSantis, currently polling as a frontrunner for Florida’s next governor. Yet, Scott’s potential re-entry into the governor’s race throws a wrench in the works for any candidate, Casey included.  But she, likewise, complicates the picture for Scott, too.

Fast forward to 2024. Scott wins Senate re-election, securing six more years in the upper chamber. He now has all-important political leverage. Should he see an opening in the 2024 gubernatorial race, he could aim for his old job with a safety net securely in place. If he loses, back to the Senate he goes, keeping his old job, but leaving Ron DeSantis dependent on the success of his spouse at the ballot box, with no guarantee of success.

Now, the truths that shape this political drama: (a) Rick Scott would rather not face a formidable GOP primary opponent in 2026. (b) Casey DeSantis likely prefers to steer clear of a well-funded gubernatorial opponent like Scott. (c) Ron DeSantis likely wants to remain politically relevant after his governorship ends in 2026.

Enter the win-win masterstroke: Scott runs for governor in 2026, Casey DeSantis agrees to step aside from the race, and DeSantis? He gets a golden parachute straight into a U.S. Senate seat.

Picture the scene: At 12:01 pm, the exact minute Scott resigns from the Senate to don the governor’s mantle, DeSantis transitions from governor to senator. It’s a move so slick, it could only be born in the backrooms of Tallahassee and D.C., where the holiday party circuit buzzes with speculation.

Critics might point to the frosty relations between the Scott and DeSantis camps. Yet, this scenario presents a mutually beneficial arrangement, a rare moment of political harmony in the swampy waters of Florida politics. Alternatively, Scott could stay put, allow Casey DeSantis to run the gauntlet in a GOP primary, with no guarantee of anything for the DeSantis clan’s political future.

In a state where the unpredictable is the norm, this “Swamp Swap” might just be the next headline-making move. It’s a storyline straight out of a political thriller, yet in Florida’s vibrant political landscape, it’s just another day at the office. Stay tuned, because in the Sunshine State, anything is possible.