MC Hunger Games Drops the Mic on Pitbull

by | Dec 14, 2016

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The reviews are in. House Speaker Richard Corcoran‘s move to sue Miami rapper “Pitbull” for details of his contract with Visit Florida is already a rousing success. Topping the charts at TMZ, which (helpfully for some TMZ readers) called the state legislature “Florida’s Congress,” Corcoran has already won several news cycles regardless of the outcome of the lawsuit. Here’s the meat and potatoes of the TMZ story:

Corcoran says Florida’s Congress was in the dark, until the company turned over the contract with one caveat — if its “confidential trade secrets” were leaked, Pitbull could sue.


According to docs, obtained by TMZ, Corcoran wants the veil of secrecy lifted so legislators can work on the state’s budget — including tourism expenditures — without worrying some singer is going to sue them. 


Corcoran wants a judge to declare Florida’s Congress immune from potential litigation — and to rule there are no “trade secrets” in the contract, anyway.


If Florida taxpayers ever get to find out exactly how much Pitbull got paid for his “Sexy Beaches” video, well, that’s just a bonus for Corcoran. But while we wait for the courts to rule, let’s check out what the Speaker has in store for us…









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