Ron DeSantis continues to build momentum, picks up first endorsement from a statewide association

by | Aug 2, 2018


In another apparent sign of the building momentum in his bid for governor, U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis picked up the endorsement Thursday of the Florida Medical Association PAC (FMA PAC). It’s the first endorsement of DeSantis by a statewide association.

“The FMA PAC is proud to be the first statewide association to endorse Congressman Ron DeSantis as Florida’s next Governor,” said FMA PAC President, Dr. Mike Patete “Rep. DeSantis addressed our PAC board members in June and shared his vision for our great state.”

“We believe he is a true friend of medicine and will represent Florida’s more than 22,000 physicians on issues impacting our patients, policies and the quality and availability of health care,” Patete added.

FMA PAC calls itself “Florida’s leading advocate for electing pro-medicine candidates to office.”

DeSantis spoke before the FMA PAC during its June meeting held in Tampa. He is scheduled to address physicians at the PAC’s Good Government Luncheon being held Saturday.

“I’m proud to have the endorsement of the Florida Medical Association and all of the physicians the organization represents,” said DeSantis in accepting the endorsement. “Having affordable and accessible healthcare is essential for Floridians and as Governor, I look forward to working with the FMA to find ways to make the doctor-patient relationship stronger and to reduce costs.”

Two polls released last week show DeSantis leading his opponent, Adam Putnam, in the race for the Republican nomination for governor. Mason-Dixon Polling showed DeSantis leading by 12 percentage points, while a survey by Florida Atlantic University has DeSantis leading by 9 percentage points.

The endorsement from the FMA PAC comes two days after President Donald Trump attended a rally in Tampa in which Trump urged Florida voters to cast their ballots for DeSantis.

“He’s tough. He’s smart and he loves Florida and he loves our country. And he’s going to be your next governor, Ron DeSantis,” Trump told those attending the rally.



  1. Rosemary Mariotti

    with the way Sen De Santis has contributed to seeing that the corrupt fbi and cia be held accountable for the disgusting witch hunt of our pres. is my one of many reasons to vote for him for governor.
    He and Matt Gaetz need and should have floridiansa support the democrats are making pres job almost immposible but as we know pres Trump will not give up thank God we have him MAGA the job with support is a most diffuclt one and we all can see the horrible disgusting Demorats want him to fail and they say America go to hell we will destroy you as Obama planned from day one DeSantis Desantis good luck and god bless watch you back Ron Hillary has her hitmen out there as usual.

  2. Chainlink700rt

    The more the demorats screw up the more we learn about good and bad politics