Its primary election day in Florida and candidates across the state are waiting anxiously to see if their efforts on the campaign trail will pay off. With many important primaries up for grabs, Republicans and Democrats are hoping that voters will turn out and cast their ballot, despite the impact that COVID-19 has played on the political process.
One race in particular — Florida’s 3rd Congressional District — will be one of the most-watched races in the state. The Republican Primary is chock-full of conservatives — 10 total — all looking to replace outgoing U.S. Representative Ted Yoho. And while the winner will need to win in November to capture the district, whoever represents CD 3 on the Republican ticket will undoubtedly be the favorite.
One candidate, Kat Cammack, has been a front-runner throughout the entire race and is looking to succeed her former boss in CD 3. She sat down with The Capitolist hours before polls closed to discuss her campaign and qualifications for the district she wants to represent.
Q: Who is Kat Cammack?
A: “Before all else, I am an American. I am a staunch defender of Conservative values and a Republican Candidate for Congress in Florida’s 3rd Congressional District. I am a third-generation commercial sandblaster, a small business owner, the longtime former Deputy Chief of Staff to Congressman Yoho, and the wife of a local firefighter/SWAT medic for Gainesville Fire Rescue. I graduated with her Master’s degree in Strategic Studies and National Defense.”
“I co-founded a not-for-profit organization, The GRIT Foundation, to support local first responders, law enforcement, and veterans, alongside her husband. Today, I serve on the Alachua County Friends of NRA Board and as the President of the Newberry-Jonesville Chamber of Commerce.”
Q: What does it mean to be a conservative in 2020?
A: “Being conservative in 2020 means protecting the Constitution at all costs. We are in the fight for the soul of America. Socialism is knocking on the door of freedom and we need strong Republicans choosing to fight back. AOC and ‘the socialist Squad’ in Washington are setting a standard for young people in American politics but being conservative today means leading the next generation by example. Republicans are being called to defend our liberty and protect our freedoms now more than ever.”
Q: You’re no stranger to campaigning. You served as Congressman Ted Yoho’s Chief of Staff and was a big part of his success. How has your experience working on a campaign prepared you for your own Congressional bid?
A: “In 2012, we ran an insurgent grassroots campaign and brought Congressman Ted Yoho to victory against a 24-year incumbent. While many things have changed since then like the integration of social media and the relentless COVID-19 shutdowns, there is one thing that remains: the power of meeting voters face-to-face. My team and I have spoken with tens of thousands of voters and intently listened to the priorities they have for the future of FL-03. We knew from the start the most integral part of running a good race for this Congressional bid would be voter contact and we successfully executed on this.”
Q: For voters still undecided on Tuesday, what would be your message to them?
A: “If you’re still undecided today, you should choose me for FL-03. It is not enough to just say you will stand with President Trump and his America First agenda. We need a leader with a proven track record of supporting our Conservative values.”
“We need your help to ensure that I am able to continue the great work I did alongside Congressman Ted Yoho. I will truly be ready on day one to begin defending FL-03 and our conservative values. I have received the most endorsements from local elected officials, as well as the most in-district contributions. After 8 years of working in this district, I am proud to have championed projects such as 4 new VA clinics, the Project Putnam economic development program, and the Human Trafficking Task Force.”
Q: We’re close to finding out which Republican will represent CD 3 in November. Any last-minute thoughts or comments?
A: “I have been honored to run this race in FL-03. I am thankful to my team and all of the supporters who have helped this journey be successful and our message widespread. With over $200,000 in negative attack ads purchased against me as we have consistently led the polls, we are going into tonight pleased with the hard work and positivity we have put into our campaign efforts. Barring the handful of negative ads, my opponents have been a pleasure to experience this campaign with. We have enjoyed every moment. I want to wish everyone the best of luck as we go into tonight. Remember, vote Kat, your Constitutional Conservative for Florida’s 3rd Congressional District.”

I was very impressed to say the least by what I read today about Kat. I am at home getting ready to do my absentee ballot and decided to read up on some of the people running for office. I know is a very important thing to do. I have always wanted to know what the folks stood for and how they had planned to carry out whatever was best for the people. Just wanted you to know how impressed I am with all you had to say. It has been a very long time since I have been able to do this. It makes me feel really good to know someone is still out there today doing what I looked for way back over thirty years ago when I could be out there keeping track and knowing they had the people at heart. I know you don’t do this alone…Thank you so very much.