A new Philip Levine television spot focuses on the “The Person He Is”

by | Mar 29, 2018


Another Democratic hopeful for governor unveiled a new video campaign ad on Thursday. Former Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine‘s campaign released what it calls a “biographical television ad” called “The Person He Is.”

The :30 second spot (see below) features video of Levine with an announcer highlighting Levine’s business success in the private sector and his service as mayor of Miami Beach.

“Growing up in a working class neighborhood, Philip Levine believes everyone deserves the same chance he had,” the ad starts out. “After creating a successful business in the cruise industry, Levine dedicated himself as mayor to serving others.”

The ad will air through the end of this month and into April. It will air in most of Florida’s media markets on broadcast and cable. It’s part of a previously announced $2 million media buy in March.

“As new polls confirm that Mayor Levine has taken an early lead in the Democratic race for Florida Governor, our latest ad highlights Philip’s working-class upbringing and self-made success, and his dedication to always fighting for what is right,” said Christian Ulvert, the Levine campaign’s senior advisor. “As narrated in the ad, Philip took on injustice, rising seas and the state of Florida to set the state’s first living minimum wage. As Floridians get to know more about Philip Levine, they will quickly see that the person he is and the Mayor he was, is the Governor he will be.”

Recent polls, including The Capitolist’s  HorseRace Index, a weighted poll average, show Levine atop the Democratic primary race. The HorseRace Index shows he’s followed by former U.S. Rep. Gwen Graham and Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, and Orlando area businessman Chris King.

King released a video spot today that featured his support for gun control measures.