Bill Nelson continues to take a pounding from a barrage of television spots

by | May 3, 2018

U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson is finding himself the target of yet another television spot that attacks either career politicians in general, or himself specifically. The latest ad comes from the New Republic, a political committee that supports Gov. Rick Scott in his bid to unseat Nelson.

As reported by the Associated  Press, the super PAC that was one aligned with Scott, will begin airing the spot statewide next week as part of a $2.4 million media buy.

The spot (see below) includes pictures and new clips of Nelson through his more than four decades in public office.

“For 45 years Bill Nelson has collected over $4 million in salaries. All paid for by your tax dollars,” the announcer says. “And what did you get for your money? A ghostly presence in capitol halls.”

It’s the latest in a series of television ads targeting Nelson, who is seeking his fourth term in the Senate. The other ads purchased by Scott’s campaign do not specifically mention Nelson, but they promote one of Scott’s top campaign priorities — term limits for members of Congress.

The campaign spent $5 million on its ads.

The latest spot is scheduled to start airing in Florida on May 7 and will run through May 24.