A jar reportedly containing tar and feathers send to about a dozen senators after Monday’s debate on the school safety bill.
A Bradford County man, who is a Navy veteran and a candidate for the state house as a Libertarian Party candidate, is taking credit for delivering jars containing tar and feathers to the Capitol offices of some state senators. He says it was a protest against gun control measures included in the Senate’s school safety package.
Ryan Ramsey, is running for the House District 19 seat. He told a news blog called Central Florida Post that his children came up with the idea for what he calls the “Tar and Feather Enemy of Freedom Award.”
The 42-year-old Ramsey says the jars were made by children in Bradford County who he says are “the first generation to grow up in Florida after the death of the Second Amendment, due to the betrayal of Florida’s gun owners by the GOP.”
He calls Gov. Rick Scott and those who support the school safety proposal
“constitutional rapists.”
The proposal would impose a three-day waiting period for all firearm purchases, raise the minimum age for purchasing a rifle or shotgun from 18 to 21, and ban the sale of bump stocks.
The bill would also allow law enforcement to seize firearms of anyone being held under the state’s Baker Act. Authorities could hold those firearms for up to 24 hours and longer if they obtain a court order.
The school safety measure was introduced last week in response to the school shooting in Parkland three weeks ago in which 17 students and teachers were killed.
“The Bill of Rights is non-negotiable,” Ramsey said. “They deserved the awards. Every Republican in the Florida House that votes for this bill will earn one too… and their names will be known to Florida voters in November.”
The House began discussing the school safety bill Tuesday with a final vote expected Wednesday.
Sounds like someone remembers history. Watching the Senators and Reps debate away my rights was gut wretching.
Statism, hard to stomach it. Hard to even nick it with tax funded education.
This guy is a freaking hero
“The Bill of Rights is non-negotiable,” Ramsey said. “They deserved the awards. Every Republican in the Florida House that votes for this bill will earn one too… and their names will be known to Florida voters in November.”
Except of course when it is, which is why we add and remove amendments as well as when we impose limitations on those amendments when the need arises.
We add and amendments to the Constitution, not the Bill of Rights. The amendments we do add are to extend our liberties, not restrict them. For the Constitution, to include the Bill of Rights, is not what gives us rights. Rights are inherent, the Constitution binds the government from taking them from the people.
Your guns aren’t being taken away, they’re just being monitored more closely. Why is that so hard to understand?
Tell that to the 17-20 year old Floridian vets and soldiers who defend our nation with firearms, but now cannot defend their families at home.
Or even just the 18-20 year olds in general. Old enough for selective service, but we don’t trust them enough to allow them the right to self defense?