Data Targeting imagines Florida and national politicians as famous Christmas movie characters

by | Dec 22, 2021


In the realm of cheesy holiday-themed corporate promotions seen every December, this year’s effort by one of Florida’s largest political consulting firms, Data Targeting, is particularly cheesy. But the artwork makes it worth a mention as we bring 2021 to a rapid close.

The “Christmas Cold Case” theme lets site visitors play the role of an intrepid gumshoe detective trying to solve the mystery of “What happened to Christmas?” And while that question seems loaded and sure to deliver partisan red meat aimed to please only the most Starbucks-hating conservatives, the actual content roasts the chestnuts of well-known Republicans just as much as it lays into well-known Democrats.

Without giving it away, the gimmick uses movies ranging from “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer,” to “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation,” to render political leaders as beloved characters like “Sam the Snowman,” “Clark W. Griswold,” and even the “Grinch.”

Can you guess who’s who?

Each “clue” is rendered as a quote from the movie, and it’s up to you to decide which of the four multiple choice options most closely resembles the quote. We in The Capitolist newsroom fared pretty poorly as detectives, and had to resort to using the “hint” option in order to solve a mediocre six out of the ten clues, but Data Targeting says we still managed to solve the case.

If nothing else, it’s worth a click just to see the holiday-themed artwork.

Here’s the link to solve the case yourself.