Dems continue to make Donald Trump a key issue in this year’s gubernatorial race

by | Aug 9, 2018


President Donald Trump continues to be a key focus of Democratic candidates in this year’s race for governor. The latest to take swipes at the president is former Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine.

The Levine campaign released a new TV spot, it’s called: “Levine vs. Trump: Round 2.” It contrasts Trump’s views towards immigrants, women  and people with disabilities with Levine’s record as mayor.

Trump ridicules people with disabilities, locks up the children of immigrants, and makes demeaning women his personal punching bag,” the announcer says in the spot. “As Mayor, Philip Levine pioneered breakthroughs for the disabled, earned a perfect score for human rights, and took on the President by defending the DREAMers.”

Round 2. Levine,” the announcer ads. “Because he’ll never stop fighting intolerance.”

“Donald Trump’s clear attempt to take over Florida through Ron DeSantis’ campaign is in full swing, threatening our environment, our healthcare, and our rights,” says Levine’s senior adviser Christian Ulvert. “Floridians are looking for a leader who is ready to pick up the gloves and fight back to defend Florida families.”

Round 1 of the ad campaign from Levine focused on gun control issues and Trump’s support of the National Rifle Association.

The anti-Trump ads come as recent polls have shown Levine, who was once the Democratic front-runner in the race, slipping in the standings. While an internal poll released earlier this week by the Levine campaign showed the former mayor in a dead heat with former U.S. Rep. Gwen Graham, other polls have shown Graham in the lead and suggest she’s pulling away.

Democrats have made Trump an issue in the campaign since the president has inserted himself into the gubernatorial race by endorsing Republican Ron DeSantis, a move that appears to have given the advantage to DeSantis in the GOP primary.