DeSantis appoints two more key members to his incoming administration

by | Dec 7, 2018


Two more top positions in the Governor’s Office — the chief inspector general and the director of the Office of Policy and Budget — have been filled by Gov.-elect Ron DeSantis.

Melinda Miguel, who has served as inspector general in a number of offices since 2000, including governors Rick Scott and Charlie Crist, was named Friday as the chief inspector general for the incoming DeSantis administration.

Cynthia Kelly, who has served as the director of the Office of Policy and Budget under Gov. Scott since 2013, will continue in her current position, DeSantis announced.

“Cynthia is one of the most respected and professional individuals to work in the halls of Florida’s Capitol,” said DeSantis. “Her 30 years of experience in the budgeting process of state government not only includes serving multiple governors, but also overseeing the budget process in both chambers of the legislature. Cynthia is a long-time, trusted advisor whose work ethic and dedication to the people of Florida is second to none.”

Prior to her current role as budget director in the Governor’s Office, Kelly served as the staff director for both the Florida Senate and the Florida House of Representatives, as well as managing the appropriations subcommittees in both chambers.

Kelly also served as the director of administrative services for the Department of Environmental Protection from 2010-2013 and worked in the budget office from 1989-1995.

In addition to serving two governor’s, Miguel also has served as inspector general for the Florida State Board of Administration, Florida Attorney General’s Office, Florida Department of Education and the Florida Department of Elder Affairs.

“Accountability and transparency are critically important to me and are key components to running state government efficiently and fairly,” said DeSantis. “I have asked Melinda Miguel, who is highly respected and who I know will hold our state government to the highest of standards, to serve as Chief Inspector General for our administration. Having previously served in the inspector general role, Melinda knows best practices and has the professional auditing and investigative skills needed to ensure Florida is running smoothly and operating with the highest degree of integrity.”



  1. Anonymous

    Congratulations Governor for such great women to lead your new platforms

    • Anonymous

      Seriously she did nothing about the deaths covered up in the Fla prisons