E-Verify bill moves to House floor vote

by | Feb 27, 2020

Republicans pushed E-Verify closer to the finish line on Thursday, approving a measure in the Commerce committee that will require employers to use the system to verify the employment eligibility of new hires.

The bill (HB 1265), submitted by Representative Cord Byrd, passed today’s committee on a party line vote with Republicans voting 16-8 to advance the measure. The legislation will now head to the House floor to be voted on next week.

Unlike previous iterations that discussed implementing a federal version of the bill to include both public and private employers, Byrd’s proposal would only require public employers to use the system to check the workers’ eligibility.

The bill, however, would give private businesses the option to collect copies of documents (form I-9), which is used by the federal government to verify the identity and employment eligibility of workers.

After banning sanctuary cities last year, Byrd, along with Senator Joe Gruters, promised to continue to promote the rule of law in the 2020 Legislative Session. That promise was fulfilled at the end of 2019 when both men help spearhead E-Verify bills in their respective chambers.

While Gruters bill (SB 1822) has stalled in the Senate, another E-Verify bill (SB 644) sponsored by Senator Tom Lee has picked up steam. Moving through two committees this session, Lee’s measure would require private employers in Florida to check workers’ employment eligibility in the U.S. using a federal database.

The issue of E-Verify has been controversial to say the least. Proponents of the legislation believe the proposal will protect against unfair job competition, wage depression, and lead to more transparency during the hiring process. Opponents, however, believe the bill will be expensive and lead more migrant workers to take jobs in other states.

Though Republicans wanted to see a broader version of the bill pass, Thursday’s marks a significant victory — being the first movement for E-Verify legislation in the House.

Representative Anthony Sabatini, a cosponsor of Byrd’s bill, said today’s vote is a start to end illegal immigration and hold people accountable.

“This is a bill about the Rule of Law — it’s time to stop incentivizing illegal immigration,” Sabatini said following the vote.

Other GOP co-sponsores praised the bill for supporting President Donald Trump‘s agenda.

“The Florida House is poised for a floor vote on E-Verify. This great piece of legislation puts American workers first and supports President Trump’s agenda of lowering unemployment and boosting our robust economy,”Republican Mike Hill said.”The timing and momentum is there to finally pass this legislation this session.”

“I’m anxious to cast my “Yes” vote,” he continued.

E-Verify has been at the top of Governor Ron DeSantis‘ legislative priorities. With a crucial 2020 election around the corner, the issue of illegal immigration is certain to be at the forefront of Trump’s re-election.

1 Comment

  1. Dr Tolbert



    Per Dr Tolbert:
    E-Verify will take away the state constitutional rights per the 10th amendment of the US Constitution and should Not be put on the ballot.

    Allowing the federal government to monitor who you employ, is a Dictatorship, Socialism and Communism.

    It is important that every person of the State of Florida rejects the constitutional amendments and put the responsibility of legality of immigration back in the hands of the state.

    The Constitution states, if the federal government is to intervene in immigration and the rights of illegal immigrants, Congress has to declare these illegal immigrants as invaders.

    It is important as a Sovereign State that the governor of Florida be informed as well as your representatives. Any constitutional amendment that violates the Federal Constitution will weaken the authority of a Sovereign State as has been done by the creation of the 11th through 27th amendments, and especially the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

    There are four amendments required for Florida to uphold the U.S. constitution and should be enforced, corrected or challenged.

    E-Verify is giving the federal government the right to know who works and where they reside in your state, which is a violation of the 10th Amendment.
    The US constitution gives “felons a right to vote,” the State of Florida does not. It should be on Florida’s ballot. If it already is a U.S. Constitutional requirement, then why is Florida putting it to a vote? Vote Yes!
    We are to have open primaries and not closed primaries per the U.S. Constitution. Which is the same Constitutionally as felons right to vote.
    We the people need to make corrections, per the U.S. Constitution, that English is the primary language in Florida and any other language has to be shown with other languages and not just as Spanish and English in order to maintain the ethnicity of the United States.
    The Florida Constitution says marriage is between one man and one woman, although the Supreme Court ruled differently. Florida is currently allowing same-sex marriage and should not be in the Florida constitution. Instead what should be placed on the ballot is a civil union voted on by the citizens of the United States residing in Florida. As per the 1st Amendment, marriage belongs to the church, per the 10th amendment civil unions or marriages same sex partnerships are not in the U.S. Constitution. Florida can add this to the ballot which will fall under the equality clause in Amendment 14.

    Charles Frederick Tolbert EDD
    Retired Master Sergeant



    Copy Editor, Vilet Dye…viletsvoice@yahoo.com

    From: Van Esser – NumbersUSA.com
    Date: March 9, 2018 at 5:53:53 PM EST
    To: cfabamerica@gmail.com
    Subject: Florida E-Verify Constitutional Amendment Still Needs Your Help (per Dr Tolbert VOTE NO)
