Early primary turnout approaches 10 percent, GOP leads in the number of ballots cast

by | Aug 22, 2018

More than 1.2 million voters have cast ballots in Florida’s primary election with Republican voters outnumbering Democrats in both ballots cast by mail and at early voting locations. That’s a turnout of nearly 10 percent of all Florida voters according to the latest numbers released by the state Division of Elections.

Republicans lead Democrats in voting by nearly 47 percent to 42 percent.

As of 7 a.m. Wednesday morning, 1,247,345 Floridians had cast ballots either by vote-by-mail or early voting, with most of those, nearly 965,000, coming in the form of mail-in ballots. That number already exceeds the total number of mail ballots from the 2014 primary contest. Republicans have submitted 61,000 more mail-in ballots than have Democrats.

The latest early voting numbers show Republicans taking the lead in the number of ballots submitted at early voting locations across the state. A total of more than 282,000 have been cast at early voting sites, with the number of early ballots being submitted by GOP voters outpacing Democrats by nearly 3,000.

Miami-Dade, Hillsborough and Pinellas are the top three counties in terms of total ballots case.

During early voting, voters can cast their ballots at any site in their county of residence. Dates, times and location vary by county. For a complete list of early voting schedules, click here.

Wednesday is the deadline for requesting a mail-in ballot.  


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