Emoji-Meter: Presidential Debate, VP Debate, Vote-By-Mail and more!

by | Oct 8, 2020



Sometimes words just aren’t enough.

Presidential Debate

Following a rather tame vice presidential debate, The Commission of Presidential Debates announced on Thursday that the Oct. 15 debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden would be held remotely “in order to protect the health and safety of all involved.” Trump rejected the plan, saying he wouldn’t take part in a virtual debate. The move looked to put future debates in limbo, but now both campaigns are looking at delaying next week’s debate in order to accomodate both sides.

VP Debate

Unlike the previous debate that saw Charlie Brown’s teacher and Chewbacca jockeying for speaking time, last night’s VP debate was substantive, cordial, and allowed those watching time to digest what was being said. While this may very well be the last debate before the General Election, at least the American people won’t be left with a bad taste in their mouths when they head to the polls on Nov. 3.

Vote-By-Mail Ballots

Vote-by-mail ballots are surging across the state, as more than 4.3 million ballots have been sent to voters in Florida. According to the Florida secretary of state’s office, close to 2 million Democrats have requested a vote-by-mail ballot, compared with nearly 1.4 million Republicans.

Amendment 2

The fight to prevent a $15 minimum wage hike continues in Florida, as several news outlets are urging Floridians to vote no on Ballot Amendment 2. Earlier this week, The Tampa Bay Times editorial board published an editorial detailing the consequences of the initiative. The Naples Daily News and the Ft. Myers News-Press also came out in opposition to the wage increase.

Florida Presidential Polls

A new poll released this week, showing that Biden opened up an 11-point lead over President Trump in Florida. The poll shows Biden garnering 51 percent of the vote in the Sunshine State compared to Trump’s 40 percent. While polls are not foolproof — looking at you, 2016 — a lead that large with less than 4 weeks out may be too hard to overcome. Is it time to panic for Trump?