Florida Chamber names its most valuable legislator for the 2019 legislative session

by | Jun 20, 2019

State Rep. Bob Rommel, R-Naples, is the Florida Chamber of Commerce’s Most Valuable Legislator for 2019. He was chosen the business organization’s “MVL” for his  work in trying to rein in lawsuit abuse targeted at Florida businesses, which has earned the state the reputation of being a “judicial hellhole.”

The Florida Chamber’s MVL award is the organization’s premier legislative award. It honors a single lawmaker for their legislative leadership and for taking a strong stance for free enterprise.

“Representative Rommel championed and led ending Florida’s lawsuit abuse problem that is costing Florida’s families over $4,000 each year, and has earned Florida an international reputation as a ‘Judicial Hellhole,’” said Mark Wilson, President and CEO of the Florida Chamber of Commerce, in a congratulatory video.

The MVL presentation was made during the Florida Chamber’s Board of Directors meeting in Orlando.

“The Florida Chamber’s commitment to make sure Florida’s business community flourishes is unparalleled,” Rommel said in response to receiving the award. “I was very proud to work with them this year to advance and enact unprecedented business reform legislation that will unleash Florida entrepreneurs to grow, innovate, and create more jobs. I’m honored to receive this recognition from the Florida Chamber, and I look forward to our continued partnership.”

In addition to the MVL award, the Florida Chamber also hands out its Distinguished Advocate awards which recognize lawmakers who fought “for the passage of pro-business legislation and advanced the Florida Chamber’s goals of securing Florida’s future through job creation and economic development.”

“We’re pleased to recognize members of the Florida Legislature with the Distinguished Advocate awards who had the courage to put free enterprise principles for job creation above special interest,” said Wilson.

The 18 members of the Florida Legislature honored with a 2019 Florida Chamber Distinguished Advocate award include:

  • Senator Jeffrey Brandes
  • Senator Doug Broxson
  • Senator Manny Diaz, Jr.
  • Senate President Bill Galvano
  • Senator Joe Gruters
  • Senator Travis Hutson
  • Senator David Simmons
  • Senator Wilton Simpson
  • Senator Kelli Stargel
  • Representative Bryan Avila
  • Representative Randy Fine
  • Representative Jason Fischer
  • Representative James Grant
  • Representative Thomas Leek
  • House Speaker Jose Oliva
  • Representative Paul Renner
  • Representative Jennifer Sullivan
  • Representative Clay Yarborough

The Florida Chamber also released its annual report card — How They Voted. The report issues grades for legislators and shows how they voted on key issues for the business community.