Florida Education Champions touts sports betting amendment as a ‘win-win’

by | Nov 2, 2021

Florida Education Champions (FEC) unveiled a new television ad touting the committee’s proposed constitutional amendment as a ‘win-win’ for the state’s public education and sports betting scenes.

The 30-second spot, titled “Win-Win,” highlights the amendment’s sports betting proponents and encourages those who want to increase public education funding to sign the petition. The proposed amendment specifically states that tax revenues generated from authorized sports and event betting must supplement public education funding through the Florida Department of Education’s Educational Enhancement Trust Fund.

“Everyone loves a win-win, and if you’re a fan of sports betting, you can win-win, too! Billions of dollars for education // legal sports betting for you! We’re Florida Education Champions, and our petition brings legal sports betting to Florida, and gives all the tax revenue to public education,” the ad says.

“That’s a win for you and our kids! Be a champion for education by texting WIN at 888-922-2240, and sign the petition. It’s a win-win!”

Florida Education Champions is a political committee formed in June that seeks to expand online sports gambling beyond the proposed Seminole Tribe Compact. The sports-betting committee, formed to secure placement on the November 2022 ballot to authorize sports and event betting at professional sports venues, pari-mutuel facilities, and statewide via online sports betting platforms, could potentially play spoiler to the deal struck between DeSantis and the Seminole Tribe in April.

Notably, the FEC voting initiative is spearheaded by major sports betting operators, DraftKings and FanDuel.

“While Seminole casino bosses may be attempting to scare or confuse the public with their ads, our message is simple, yet strong. For sports bettors who want competition and the freedom to choose which platform they use – rather than being backed into the corner by an arbitrary monopoly – it’s a win. But it’s also a win for Floridians who want to help bolster public education funding and ultimately ensure the future success of our students,” said FEC Spokesperson Christina Johnson.

For more information about Florida Education Champions or to read the proposed constitutional amendment, click here.