Florida will be granted more time to defend a 2015 law requiring a waiting period before a woman could get an abortion.
Under the law, a woman must wait 24 hours before getting an abortion. She would also be required to have two appointments with doctors before an abortion procedure could be performed.
A Leon County Circuit Court judge agreed to give the state two more months to build its defense.
Judge Terry Lewis said he was reluctant to grant the extension but was willing to give the state the additional time to prove the law is constitutional.
More than half of the states have some type of waiting period before a woman can get an abortion. But, the right to privacy law is more extensive in the Florida constitution than in most other states and a woman’s right to have an abortion in Florida is based on that right to privacy.
The state claimed it needed the additional time to prove the waiting period law does not violate a woman’s right to privacy.
Supporters claim the waiting period is intended to give women more time to consider the implications of having an abortion.
A Gainesville abortion clinic and the American Civil Liberties Union are challenging the law.
The Florida Supreme Court granted a temporary injunction earlier this year preventing the law from being enforced while the lower courts rule on its constitutionality.