Florida’s prisons face dual crisis: inmate boom and scorching heat wave

by | Aug 3, 2023

  • Florida’s prison system is experiencing a dual crisis with a projected increase in the inmate population and a severe heat wave in aging, unairconditioned facilities.
  • In an attempt to mitigate the heat, inmates have been allowed to wear shorts and T-shirts, but this measure has been criticized for being inconsistent and inadequate.
  • The state’s projected prison population growth raises concerns about overcrowding and infrastructure, complicating the system’s ability to handle the challenges effectively.

Florida’s prison system is facing a dual crisis: a projected rise in the inmate population and a scorching heat wave with inadequate infrastructure to ensure prisoner safety. State officials forecast the inmate population to increase for the third consecutive year, a trend that dovetails with the heat crisis in aging, unairconditioned prison facilities.

Faced with this double jeopardy, prison authorities have been making attempts to mitigate the harsh conditions. Following pressure from advocates, the Department of Corrections recently allowed inmates to wear shorts and T-shirts instead of standard heavy clothing, a move praised by some but criticized as inconsistent and inadequate by others.

“The state has an aging prison population that also will have to be addressed in the future,” warned Jennifer Bradley, Chairwoman of the Senate Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations.

However, installing air conditioning in all facilities, many of which are decades old, would be costly and time-consuming, especially given the state’s budgetary constraints.

Bradley, whose district includes several prisons, has been working with Corrections Secretary Ricky Dixon to find ways to alleviate the heat. According to her, temperatures inside unairconditioned buildings can soar 15 degrees higher than outside, putting indoor temperatures above 115 degrees in some regions during the current heat wave.

But Denise Rock, executive director of Florida Cares Charity Corp., asserts not all prisons are following Dixon’s directive to relax uniform standards. The inconsistency in implementation is causing additional concern among advocates. Rock’s group has also urged corrections officials to reduce indoor temperatures by turning off lights during the day, increasing the number of fans in common living areas, and providing access to showers throughout the day.

Meanwhile, the state’s projected prison population growth raises concerns about overcrowding and infrastructure. The Florida Legislature’s Office of Economic and Demographic Research predicts that the prison population will climb from 88,685 in fiscal 2023-24 to 94,315 by fiscal 2028-29. This is despite the fact that prison admissions remained relatively stable, between 28,000 and 29,000 annually.

The court system, facing backlogs since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and challenges in recruitment and hiring, is struggling to cope. The delays and uncertainties have complicated the timing and level of future prison admissions and releases, raising further questions about the system’s ability to accommodate a growing prison population in aging facilities.

The state’s prison system has been under increased scrutiny as it deals with these long-term and immediate challenges. As the heat wave continues and the prison population grows, advocates and officials alike are calling for sustainable, effective solutions to ensure the safety and well-being of inmates.


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  3. Stan

    I thought the state has a budget surplus…