Former Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll endorses ‘Angel Mom’ Kiyan Michael for HD 16

by | Apr 19, 2022

Former Lieutenant Governor Jennifer Carroll is backing Republican Kiyan Michael‘s bid for House District 16.

Michael, a wife of a Navy veteran and “Angel Mom,” announced the endorsement on Tuesday in a press release. Carroll, a 20-year retired naval officer who served as Florida’s 18th Lieutenant Governor, previously served as the first black female Republican member of the Florida House of Representatives.

“Kiyan Michael is a true patriot who’s suffered the ultimate sacrifice and has the heart, passion, intellect, and knowledge to be a representative of the people. What we need in our elected officials today are leaders who will listen to the people and do the will of the people to improve lives and provide a safer future. Kiyan is running for State Representative to put families over politics. She will make a great people’s representative in Tallahassee, and I enthusiastically endorse her for House District 16,” said Carroll.

A lifelong resident of Jacksonville, Michael previously served as the command ombudsman for the USS George Philip (FFG-12). As the official liaison between the command and the families of crew members, Kiyan was in charge of providing support and guidance for those families while the ship was at sea. She also served as a member of the Advisory Board of Black Voices for Trump, which traveled the country in support of former President Donald Trump’s 2020 Presidential race.

Most notably, Michael and her husband Bobby have been outspoken supporters of Governor Ron DeSantis’ efforts to create stronger laws related to border security after their middle son Brandon was killed in a car crash caused by an illegal alien who had been deported twice prior to the incident.

The Michaels and their son’s tragic story was spotlighted in the Governor’s first State of the State Speech.

“Lieutenant Governor Carroll has been a longtime public servant in our region and state, and I am honored to have her endorsement,” added Michael. “I am committed to being a fighter in Tallahassee to protect our families and children, so Florida’s future is brighter than its past.”

Carroll is the latest to back Michael’s HD 16 bid, which also boasts endorsements from conservative activist Quisha King, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, and former National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn.