House begins school safety discussion as Senate tries to figure out who sent some senators jars of tar and feathers

by | Mar 6, 2018


The Florida House began discussing the school safety legislation Tuesday, the day after the Senate adopted the bill and some senators received jars of tar and feathers at their offices.

As with Monday’s debate in the Senate, discussion on the bill’s second reading in the House focused on a “guardian program” that would allow certain school personnel to carry concealed weapons on campus if they undergo extensive training and are deputized by the local sheriff’s offices. School districts would have the option not to participate in the program.

It is the bill’s first full hearing before the House, where there is still some question about its outcome.

The discussion comes as some Senate members who either supported the bill on Monday or were vocal against the National Rifle Association received the surprise packages at their offices. About a dozen senators–both Democrats and Republicans–received the jars containing tar and feathers.

A jar reportedly containing tar and feathers sent to about a dozen senators after Monday’s debate on the school safety bill.

Sen. Bill Galvano, R-Bradenton, told Politico he was one of the recipients of the jars.

“It is related,” said Galvano. “Several of us received a jar of tar and feathers in our offices as a message of opposition to the bill.”

Sen. Lauren Book, D-Plantation, who supported the school safety legislation also acknowledged her office received one of the jars.

Book told POLITICO her staff saw a man with tattoos walk into her office and drop the jar off before the Sergeant at Arms escorted him out of the building.

“There’s an award for you, violating the second amendment,” Book said her staff recalled him saying before he left the building Monday.

Some have speculated the jars came from the NRA which has been critical of the school safety proposals as they pertain to gun issues. But the NRA denies any involvement.

The school safety legislation would impose a three-day waiting period for all firearm purchases, raise the minimum age for purchasing a rifle or shotgun from 18 to 21, and ban the sale of bump stocks.



  1. James Morris

    A man with tattoo’s. That narrows it down….

  2. Ken Willey

    I can guarantee it had nothing to do with the NRA.