In her first digital ad, gubernatorial candidate Gwen Graham goes after President Trump

by | Apr 3, 2018

She’s a candidate for governor, but Democrat Gwen Graham is using her first digital ad (see below) of her gubernatorial campaign to attack President Donald Trump.

“Donald Trump is an embarrassment. Donald Trump is an example of a bully,” Graham says in her ad. “I see it as my job to stand up to Donald Trump. It is the governor’s job to look out for the state of Florida. And I will look out for the state of Florida. Donald Trump is not going to be able to stand in my way of doing what’s right for the people of Florida.”

Graham has frequently criticized Trump during her campaign. In releasing the video Tuesday morning, the Graham campaign says the spot marks a “a significant buy behind the ad across various digital platforms.” The ad will begin airing in Palm Beach, home of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, which he frequently visits. The spot will eventually run statewide.

In the past, Graham has attacked Trump on his refusal to protect the Affordable Care Act and challenged his past suggestions that he may allow oil drilling off Florida’s coasts.

“We have a president that could not be more ill-suited to be president of the United States of America,” Graham said. “I got into this because I wanted to be someone that bridged that negativity, that bridged that divisiveness. And now we have a president that I believe is actively trying to create that divide.”

The Capitolist HorseRace Index, a weighted average of polls conducted to date, shows Graham in second place in the Democratic primary contest, trailing former Miami Beach mayor Philip Levine by one percentage point.

While this digital ad is the first for Graham, Levine has been very active in releasing video spots. He has spent over $4 million on television spots thus far.