Kat Cammack signs term limits pledge

by | Mar 12, 2020

Kat Cammack, a Republican candidate for Florida’s 3rd Congressional District, became the latest candidate in the race to defend term limits in Florida by signing the Term Limits pledge.

The former Ted Yoho staffer signed the pledge this week, following in her boss’s footsteps.

“I am a firm believer that career politicians have led our Nation into nearly $23 trillion of debt and have failed to fix the broken programs they started,” said Cammack. “That is why I am proud to sign the U.S. Term Limits pledge in order to help hold politicians accountable.

A limit on the time an individual can serve brings new ideas to Capitol Hill, wears away at the culture of political corruption and ensures positive change,” she continued. “In addition to encouraging fellow candidates across the country to sign this pledge, I am appealing to the American people to enact the term limits power we the people currently have and get out the vote. Each election provides an opportunity for the electorate to term limit the career politicians and I implore each American citizen to make their voice heard.”

Following her pledge, U.S. Term Limits (USTL), the leader in the non-partisan national movement to limit terms for elected officials, praised the 2020 U.S. House candidate for signing the pledge for an amendment to term limit Congress.

U.S. Term Limits has the support of 70 pledge signers in Congress. USTL President Philip Blumel commented on their pledges saying, “This strong support of term limits shows that there are individuals who are willing to put self-interest aside to follow the will of the people. America needs a Congress that will be served by citizen legislators, not career politicians.”

The small business owner and former deputy chief of staff launched her campaign in December and is one of eight Republicans running to replace her old boss, who decided to step down, upholding a campaign promise to do so after four terms in Congress.

Also seeking the GOP nomination are businessman Judson Sapp, Clay County Commissioner Gavin Rollins, Gainesville City Commissioner Todd Chase, Ocala Mayor Kent Guinn, physician James St. George, businessman Ryan Chamberlin, and businesswoman Amy Pope Wells.

Rollins and Chase have also signed the pledge.

The primary election for CD 3 is scheduled for August 18, 2020.


  1. Louis E.

    Term limits are a mistake…they guarantee the unelected bureaucrats,lobbyists,and staffers a monopoly on experience as elected officials are forced out of office as they learn what they’re doing.The only people they remove in practice are ones who their constituents would prefer to keep in office if they were allowed to vote for them.

    • Fred

      How about term limits for Presidents?