Latest Jobs Report Shows Continued Decline in Florida’s Unemployment Rate

by | Jul 21, 2017

Florida’s unemployment rate continues to fall dropping to 4.1 percent for the month of June. That’s the lowest the state’s rate has been since June of 2007.

Job numbers released by the Governor’s Office shows 18,000 jobs were created in Florida last month.

The latest numbers come as Gov. Rick Scott is in Las Vegas Friday to meet with representatives of Allegiant Air at their Nevada headquarters to talk about the company’s continued investments in Florida

“Over the past six and a half years, we have tirelessly worked to cut more than $7 billion in taxes and reduce more than 5,000 burdensome regulations, which is helping job creators like Allegiant Air bring new opportunities to our state,” Scott said in a statement released by this office.

Allegiant Air chose Orlando Sanford International Airport last year as the location for its new East Coast training center. The company is currently responsible for 15,000 direct jobs in Florida.

While in Nevada for the day, Scott will also meet with representatives of Zappos, an online shot and clothing business. He’ll also visit with officials from GigaCrete, which bills itself on its website as “a next generation ‘green’ building materials company.”

The latest job report shows nearly 1.4 million jobs have been added to the state’s economy since December 2010.

Scott says the state’s new job growth grant program approved by the Legislature during last month’s special session will help to generate more jobs in Florida.

“Our newly established $85 million Florida Job Growth Grant Fund will keep Florida on track to becoming the national leader for job growth. I encourage businesses interested in growing in Florida to learn more about the Florida Job Growth Grant Fund today,” Scott added.

The state started accepting applications last week for the grant money. The program is intended to provide assistance for job training programs and infrastructure improvement to help attract new businesses to Florida and create more jobs.

The June job report shows that the Orlando area continues to lead the state in job creation with 46,700 new private sector jobs in the past year. Tampa Bay is second with 44,700 new jobs and the Fort Lauderdale area is third with 32,900 jobs created.

Florida’s unemployment rate has dropped 6.6 percentage points over the past seven years, exceeding the national rate which has dropped 4.9 percent in the same time period.





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