Monday Mailbag: Kiss Joe Gruters’ Ring Edition

by | Dec 31, 2018

Real emails from real readers…

“Trust me, I have the votes.” –Inevitable 2019 – 2020 RPOF Chairman Joe Gruters

“Please remind Joe Gruters that while I wholeheartedly support him for RPOF Chairman, he probably won’t be elected by acclamation like I was back in 2013.” –Lenny Curry

“To be fair, I have a bit more going on than just running for RPOF chair, like trying to stop ‘accidental’ spills that hurt water quality.” –State Senator Joe Gruters

“Can you believe how much bipartisan love and attention I’m getting by spewing liberal absurdities about climate change?” –Soon-to-be Ex-Congressman Carlos Curbelo


They laugh at you with your trousers down
They pick the stones and aim them at your head
When you’re alive they won’t care what you said
Everybody loves you when you’re dead.
–The Stranglers

And now, a political reality check from our conservative friends at 4Chan:


And remember…if the content in Monday Mailbag insults or even offends you, remember the wisdom of Doc Holiday: