New report says Florida races for U.S. Senate and governor are the most expensive in the country

by | Aug 14, 2018


With the way the campaigns have been spending money, it should come as no surprise that the races in Florida for the U.S. Senate and governor are the most expensive in the country in terms of spending on political ads. Together the two contests have produced $129 million in spending.

The numbers were compiled by a group called Advertising Analytics and reported by NBC News on Tuesday.

According to the data, spending on ads in the Senate race between Gov. Rick Scott and incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson has hit the $40.5 million mark. The second most expensive is a Senate race in Indiana where $28.5 million has been spent, with the Senate contest in Wisconsin coming in third at $25.1 million.

Spending on media buys in the gubernatorial contest has topped $88.6. The governor’s race in Illinois isn’t too far off coming in second at $87.4 million. Coming in a distant third is the race for the governor’s seat in Tennessee which has seen $32.9 spent on political ads.

With the amount of money being spent in the Florida governor’s contest, it should especially come as no surprise as two Republicans and five Democrats seeking their parties’ nominations are running on well-funded campaigns.

Democratic candidate Jeff Greene, a billionaire businessman from Palm Beach, has alone pumped millions of dollars into advertising. Greene is running a self-funded campaign and has vowed to spend as much of personal fortune to win the governor’s seat. And Democrat Philip Levine, a millionaire, has been freely spending his own money on ads.

The U.S. Senate race in Florida should also come as no surprise as Scott spent millions of his own money in his gubernatorial bids and has raised a large amount of contributions this year for his bid to unseat Nelson.