New TV ad highlights the accomplishments of Rick Scott

by | Aug 6, 2018

The Rick Scott U.S. senate campaign has released its latest political ad that highlights Scott’s accomplishments in his early years, focusing on his life growing up, joining the Navy and opening his first business.

The spot is in Spanish and is called, “Ezperanza,” or “Hope.”

“As a child, Rick Scott saw his mother sacrifice to get their family out of public housing,” the announcer says in Spanish. “After serving in the Armed Forces, Rick Scott studied with grants and opened his first business. Governor Rick Scott works day after day to create opportunities because he knows the importance of a job.

On the screen is text reading “A million and a half new jobs,” referring to the number of new jobs created during the Scott administration.

Scott says, in Spanish: “A job creates opportunity and above all else it gives a family hope.” Job creation has been the main motivating force of the the governor’s eight years in office.

“These experiences are why the Governor works each day to create jobs and make sure Floridians across the state have the opportunities they need to succeed,” the Scott campaign said in announcing the television spot.

Scott is attempting to unseat incumbent Democratic U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson in the November general election.

Recent polls have shown a close contest, although many of the recent polls have given Scott a slight advantage.