Pressure mounts for Brian Mast to resign: Roy Moore calls out “hypocrisy”

by | Sep 3, 2020


It’s a bad day when Roy Moore is calling out your sexual misconduct.

The former Alabama chief justice is back in the news this week, calling out Congressman Brian Mast for his ‘hypocrisy’ after social media posts from 2009 and 2011 surfaced showing the Florida Republican joking about rape and sex with underage girls.

The South Florida Sun-Sentinel broke the news on Aug. 25, uncovering the 2009 Facebook post in which Mast joked about rape and sex with 15-year-old girls to his long-time friend and campaign aide, Rocco LeDonni.

The 2009 comment involves a photo of a bar outing LeDonni posted, taken during his vacation to South Africa.

Mast posted, “i’m so proud of you … i hope you hook up with at least fifteen 15 year olds over there…. its legal there right.”

Two years later, in a May 20, 2011 post, LeDonni was back again, asking, “Anyone have any good pick up lines for this weekend considering according to the crazy christian radio guy the world may end on sunday?”

Replied Mast, “How about don’t turn this rape into a murder.”

Mast has since issued a lukewarm apology for his inappropriate comments, which Mast falsely claimed came after his war injuries. As a result, many leaders on the political right have called for Mast to step down.

Joining a coalition that includes Republican operative Roger Stone and Senator Lauren Book in calls for Mast’s resignation is none other than Roy Moore, who has a personal vendetta against the Army veteran.

In 2017, the former judge was embroiled in a series of sexual assault accusations of his own that inevitably derailed his U.S. Senate campaign in Alabama to replace Jeff Sessions. The three accusers, two of which were minors, alleged that Moore sexually assaulted them.

Moore denied the claims but still faced opposition from GOP leaders calling on him to drop out of the race. One of those Republicans was Mast, who did not mince words in 2017, telling a TCPalm reporter “Pedophiles should have no place in the United States Congress,” when asked about the inappropriate sexual misbehavior levied against Moore.

With that line, Mast pulled out the proverbial claymore and struck down those who engage in deviant behaviors towards children. He forgot, however, that he wielded a double-edged sword carrying out the sentence — literally — and now his head is placed firmly on the chopping block.

On Monday, Moore issued a scathing rebuke, labeling the South Florida Republican’s comments hypocritical, demanding that Mast resign.

Moore’s comments were posted by his wife, Kayla Moore, on her Facebook.

“When “false and malicious” sexual allegations over 40 years old were made against me in a hotly contested Senate race in Alabama in 2017, Rep Brian Mast called upon me to drop out of the race without ever trying to find out the truth, Moore says in an article posted by Alabama Today. “Now by his own admission, he has joked about inappropriate sexual relationships with “15-year-olds.” Congress does not deserve such hypocrisy! Mast should drop out of the race by his own judgment lest he help elect another Democrat to Congress.”

Mast has yet to respond to Moore’s condemnation.

Mast represents Florida’s 18th Congressional District. He is facing stiff competition in his re-election battle against Democrat Pam Keith.


  1. Dorothy Manthey


  2. Billy O’Rourke

    Only you dumbass sugar suckers at Crapitolist would use the likes of felon scumbag Roger Stone and his fellow pervert, Roy Moore, to try and take down an American hero like Brian Mast. Good to know your publishers, US Sugar and Florida Crystals, agree with Trump that double amputees like Brian Mast are suckers and losers.

  3. Kathy Brown

    Brian Mast has demonstrated his lack of caring for a large majority of his constituents by voting no against the Net Neutralitry Protection Bill. The End Violence Against Women Bill. By voting against the Heroes bill. And so many other protections bill.

  4. Lynne Cohen

    Brian Mast is incapable of honorable behavior. He is a Tea Party Trumpster. Hypocrisy is his air and water. I wrote to my county commission asking for them to demand his resignation. My response was silence.

  5. Caryn Hall Yost-Rudge

    Good for you Lynne Cohen! Our county commission will respond if you stay on them and request a response!! We voted them in and they work for us! They ALWAYS owe us a response or reason why they do what they do! Always get it in writing, though….I’ve learned “telephone calls” are always suspect so always follow up with an email “re-cap”
    Brian Mast, if he truly loves America and his district, will do the honorable thing to step down! I personally am suspect of his motives and initial “dishonest” apology.

  6. M Dewald

    Being a an amputee doesnt make him a “loser” Being an unrepentant pervert makes him a “loser”.

    Attacking a noble man like the honorable Judge Roy Moore, makes him a scumbag loser.