Pro-Free Market Retailers Ratchet Up Pressure to Repeal Outdated Liquor Law

by | Jan 25, 2017

State Senator Anitere Flores and State Representative Bryan Avila held a joint press conference this morning, flanked by members of the Floridians for Fair Business Practices coalition, and called for repeal of a Prohibition-era alcohol separation law which they said puts government in the role of “picking winners and losers,” creates an uneven playing field for retailers, and represents a significant inconvenience for consumers. 

“Repealing this law will bring Florida into a more modern era, enabling our great state to flourish in a fair marketplace,” said Florida Senate President Pro Tempore Anitere Flores. “I am proud to sponsor this legislation and encourage my fellow members to see the benefits of this bill in allowing retailers to compete on a level playing field.”

“I am pleased to sponsor this pro-consumer, common sense bill which advances and encourages competition in the marketplace,” said Representative Bryan Avila. “We must provide our Florida retailers with the necessary tools to be both productive and profitable while catering to consumers’ desire for a convenient shopping experience. This legislation does exactly that.”

During the press conference, coalition members repeatedly touched on the importance of fostering a competitive business environment, which in turn would lead to economic growth and more job creation.

More quotes from coalition members: 

“Retailers around the state are being burdened by archaic regulations that stifle their growth,” said Julio Fuentes, President and CEO of the Florida State Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. “All this bill does is promote competition and fair business practices while reducing business costs.”

“Simply put, this law makes no sense and leaves Florida retailers with a reduced ability to invest in their workers, their business, and their state,” said Richard Turner, Vice President of Government Relations and General Counsel for the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association. “We need a common sense approach, and it would only make sense that Legislators who want to create an environment where businesses can compete, create jobs and grow, support this bill.”

“I commend Senator Flores and Representative Avila for protecting the American dream by championing regulatory reform,” said Skyler Zander, Deputy State Director of Americans for Prosperity-Florida. “Florida entrepreneurs should be free to expand their businesses without the restriction of Prohibition-era red tape.”   

“Full repeal of this law would get the government out of the way and let businesses meet the demands of a modern marketplace,” said Gina Kinchlow, Board Member of the Big Bend Minority Chamber of Commerce. “The only reason to oppose repealing this unnecessary law is to keep certain players out of the marketplace.”