Proposal 22 Could Change the Abortion Process in Florida

by | Jan 26, 2018

The Constitution Revision Commission’s Declaration to Rights Committee has agreed to change the wording of Proposal 22, sponsored by Commission member John Stemberger, from Orlando.

The proposal has caused some controversy and the changing of words doesn’t help for those opposed to Proposal 22 taken as a whole.

The 4-3 vote pushes forward the proposal that Florida citizens have a right to be free of intrusion from the government “with respect to the privacy of information and the disclosure thereof.”

Here’s the deeper controversy related to Proposal 22, which could involve changes to the abortion process in Florida.

Commission member John Stemberger and the sponsor of Proposal 22 says the changes to the privacy clause meant to correct court decisions where clause has been used abortion cases.

“It’s about restraining the Florida Supreme Court’s gross overreach by ignoring the original intent of the amendment and in doing so producing bad public policy,” said Stemberger.

The Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates representative Kimberly Scott wants the committee to reject Proposal 22.

“This specific clause has protected women from onerous and medically unnecessary restrictions intended to limit access to abortion services,” Scott said and added the measure could have “dangerous implications for women’s health.”

Proposal 22 now toes to the commission’s Judicial Committee. If approved by Constitution Revision Commission, Proposal22 would be on the 2018 general election ballot, where it would need 60 percent of votes to become a part of the Florida Constitution.

Stemberger explained if Proposal 22 is approved by Florida voters, it does not eliminate abortions in Florida, but instead, would allow for “reasonable regulations” on abortion procedures.