A man interrupted Gov. Ron DeSantis during a press conference on Monday at the Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami accusing him of doing nothing to help Floridians as Covid-19 cases rise and lying about the state of the virus.
“You are doing nothing,” said the man who interrupted the press conference, “You are deceiving the public.”
DeSantis had just walked up to the podium to speak when the protester started yelling and interrupting him. The governor first attempted to continue as normal but as the man continued yelling over him DeSantis eventually stopped and waited for him to be removed.
“Over 4,000 people have died and you are blaming the protesters. You guys have no plan and you’re doing nothing,” the man yelled while being removed from the scene. “Shame on you!”
DeSantis started with where he left off and as the man was being escorted away from the area, he continued yelling “shame on you” towards the governor.
Thomas Kennedy took to twitter revealing he was the man who interrupted the press conference saying, “Know they are an embarrassment to FL and that their incompetence and lack of planning has resulted in the current public health crisis,” directed at DeSantis and Miami-Dade county Mayor Carlos A. Giménez.
I just interrupted a press conference in Miami-Dade to let governor @RonDeSantisFL and @MayorGimenez know they are an embarrassment to FL and that their incompetence and lack of planning has resulted in the current public health crisis.
4,381 people have died so far in FL pic.twitter.com/q6SozHfT8o
— Thomas Kennedy (@tomaskenn) July 13, 2020
DeSantis continued without further interruption, addressing statistics and updates on how the virus is affecting the state.
“Many Floridians are filled with apprehension wondering, you know, what does this mean?” DeSantis said. “What do these trends mean for our health, for our families, and for our jobs? I along with our federal partners, our local leaders, and our great medical community, we’re working nonstop to be able to respond to this crisis. The percentage of people who have come in and test positive have stabilized.”
The governor laid out his views on the direction the virus appears to be taking.
“Throughout March and April, we would have typically 90-92% of everyone who would test would come back negative. As we got into May and the beginning of June we would typically have 95% of the people who would test would come back negative. More recently, its been about 85% of the people who test come back negative. We would like to get that back to where 90%+ of the people are testing negative. We think that we have stabilized and we may be headed in that direction,” said DeSantis.
The DeSantis administration must go and personally check the totals of positive Covid-19 checks. Fox 35 in Orlando asked the VA and the hospital and rather than 98% and 100% the totals were diminished to under 10%. The media is scaring people which is what the Democrats want so they will not start living their lives again.
Please follow through so we can make jackasses out of the Democrats and the media. I’m behind you all the way Gov. DeSantis!
Governor Ron DeSantis you are doing a great job👍🙏🇺🇸Continue doing what you are doing. GOD bless you and your family 🇺🇸🙏👍
Our leaders are doing a great job! If you look at cdc.gov and click on Influenza/Pneumonia Mortality by State, Florida is one of the lowest and more lives are lost by those illnesses than Covid-19 and we have never been quarantined for either of those or SARS or Swine Flu.
The Govenor is doing a great job. The only thing that I would suggest is for him to INVESTIGATE what the writer Cindy Jones on July 14th 2020 wrote about. Apparently, the labs in the state did NOT care about resulting all of the tests that we sent their way. They coded them ALL positive. How nasty. How mean. How awful. This is a disgrace. If I were any one of those who were told that he or she tested positive . I would demand the evidence. If it could not be provide. I would call my lawyer. I am not a suehappy person, but this is insane. AND by the way, please know that many democratic school districts threw out, yes threw out ALL of the history books that they had on the shelves. ONLY the history books are subject to the virus……………….. huh? Nasty, mean people.