Rubio smacks down Michelle Obama’s comment that GOP is ‘all men, all white’

by | Oct 5, 2017


Sometimes the most viciously effective responses are short and sweet, and that’s exactly how Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) handled a remark by former First Lady Michelle Obama this morning.

In a speech she delivered on Tuesday to the Pennsylvania Conference for Women, Obama said that the Republican Party was “all men, all white,” whereas the Democrats were more diverse, and that was a reason that many people did not trust politicians.

Rubio responded with a one-sentence tweet Thursday morning, posting a photo of himself with Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), then-Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC), and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) that was taken in February 2016 in Greenville, South Carolina at a rally during his presidential campaign.

“Probably a good time to use ‘Let me rephrase that,'” tweeted Rubio, along with the photo and a link to a Washington Free Beacon article describing Obama’s comments.

At the time the photo was taken, Haley was quoted by reporters as saying, ““Take a picture of this, because the new group of conservatives that’s taking over America looks like a Benetton commercial.” Both Rubio and Haley are first-generation Americans, the children of immigrants from Cuba and India respectively, and Scott was the first African-American elected to the Senate from South Carolina.

As numerous conservatives pointed out on social media, the 2016 Republican presidential primary also included Carly Fiorina, a woman; Dr. Ben Carson, an African-American; former Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA), like Haley, the son of Indian immigrants; and another son of Cuban immigrants, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

In contrast, the Democratic primary included exclusively white male candidates — Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), former Gov. Martin O’Malley (D-MD),  former Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA), former Gov. Lincoln Chafee (D-RI) — plus the eventual nominee, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, also white.

Follow Sarah Rumpf on Twitter: @rumpfshaker.


  1. Alexandro de Pinedo

    Using the racial and poverty issues to gain political advantage is an strategy of communism, socialism, national socialism, and all the ideologies that use the masses for gain power. Then dictatorship is next. I am a witness.I was there.

  2. Bob

    Absolutely correct.

    • claranicole

      This proud Hispanic REPUBLICAN Woman, says she’s clueless. Michelle, go sit down. 😂

      • Barbara

        When are we going to be able to move forward as a Country without Soros, Obama’s and the Clintons?? It’s getting real old!! AMERICA IS SICK OF ALL OF THEM!!

  3. Anonymous

    This comment by ms. Obama just reaffirms our resolve to drain the democratic racist swamp

    • Barbara