Sen. Jack Latvala Expected to Announce Next Month if he’ll run for Governor

by | Jul 17, 2017

Republican state Sen. Jack Latvala could make his future political intentions known within a month, even though he may have already let the proverbial cat out of the bag.

Politico reports that Latvala told supporters during a fundraiser at his home in Maine this weekend that he expects to announce on August 16th whether he’ll run, presumably, for governor. The event was attended by a group of lobbyists and lawmakers, including Senate President Joe Negron.

Latvala reportedly didn’t specify which office he might run for, but he implied it would be a run for the governor’s office.

If Latvala were to enter the race, he would be going up against on Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam for the. Putnam is the only established Republican in the race. He has raised over $10 million already.

Florida House Speaker Richard Corcoran and U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis are also considered possible candidates for the GOP nomination.

Latvala reportedly told those in attendance at the weekend event that the delay in making any announcement was due to Florida’s public financing laws. Under public financing, a candidate agrees to limit spending and, in return, receives a dollar-for-dollar match up to $250 per contribution.

By waiting to make his intentions known, Latvala would be able to announce a more impressive bank account in his bid for governor.



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