Sen. Marco Rubio says if there was evidence of collusion in the 2016 presidential campaign, we would have known about it by now

by | Aug 6, 2018

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio says if special counsel Robert Mueller had any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians, it would have probably leaked by now. But Rubio says that’s no reason to end the investigation by Mueller.

Rubio made his comments on Fox News Sunday.

“Mueller should continue,” Rubio stated. “He should finish his work and the truth should come out, and I think that’s in the best interest of everyone, including the president.”

But,, Rubio says if there was any truth to the collusion story, it would have surfaced already.

“I’m limited to what I can say because the Senate is still doing our investigation but I am comfortable in saying this, if there was evidence, strong evidence of collusion, I guarantee it would have been leaked by now, but let’s wait for the process to play itself out and I think that’s what should happen,” Rubio said.

“I believe it’s in the best interest of the president and of the United States of America and the American people for that investigation to run the course, for all the truth to come out,” Rubio said. “I think it’s the best thing that could happen for him, and I think it’s the best thing that could happen for the country.”

Last month, the Senate Intelligence Committee issued a summary report confirming reports from the U.S. intelligence community’s claims that Russia did meddle in the 2016 presidential elections, but it hasn’t answered the question of whether there was collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

President Trump launched a series of Twitter posts over the weekend attacking the investigation that included confirmation that a secret meeting to get dirt on Hillary Clinton did take place at the Trump Tower. The White House initially denied that report when it first surfaced last year.

Trump posted on Twitter Sunday, “Fake News reporting, a complete fabrication, that I am concerned about the meeting my wonderful son, Donald, had in Trump Tower. This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics – and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!


1 Comment

  1. Ole Anderson

    So the little Dweeb puts his faith in leaks to decide if Trump is guilty as charged.
    If Marquita had a brain he would be dangerous. He is so conflicted by large contributions from every nebulous source in the country and absolutely cannot be trusted.
    He has a constituency of One- himself.