Soros-backed enviro group sues Trump Administration (again), GOP Congressman Brian Mast suddenly goes silent

by | Jun 12, 2019


The Center for Biological Diversity, a group funded by liberal mega-donor George Soros, filed yet another lawsuit yesterday against President Donald Trump‘s administration, which they proudly boast brings the total number of lawsuits filed against the president or his administration to 136. The group’s latest lawsuit names the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service as defendants and asks the court to halt discharges that the Army Corps says are necessary to prevent Lake Okeechobee from reaching dangerous levels.

In preemptively lowering Lake Okeechobee, the Army Corps says its primary goal is human safety, seeking to avert a Hurricane Katrina type of disaster that would put South Florida under significant flooding in the event of a failure of the Herbert Hoover Dike.

But environmental activists, including the Soros group, working with Republican Congressman Brian Mast, have been vocal in their opposition to the discharges, complaining about algae blooms caused by the nutrient-rich fresh water flowing into coastal estuaries. The groups, long courted by Mast, have supported his controversial plan to release water from Lake Okeechobee to extreme low levels that experts say would require water usage restrictions for millions of residents in South Florida.

Officials in West Palm Beach and a citizens group have come out strongly against the proposal by the Center for Biological Diversity and Mast, according a recent story in the Palm Beach Post:

Debate over Lake Okeechobee water levels is raising the hackles of city officials and a new group led by a former Florida House contender that is concerned a lower lake will leave West Palm Beach high and dry during drought.

Flyers distributed in West Palm Beach this past weekend by the South Florida Water Coalition refer to the 2011 drought where the lake dropped so low the city was forced to buy water from the county, public fountains were shut off and a glass of water at a restaurant was a special request.

Mast’s office did not respond to a request to comment for this story, but his ties to the the Soros-backed Center for Biological Diversity are deep. He’s appeared at several events hosted by the group, and social media posts show him posing with the group’s senior attorney, Jaclyn Lopez and another liberal environmental activist.