Squeezed: Florida ranks poorly in household income, while home prices remain high

by | Oct 28, 2022

  • Florida ranks 36th in the nation (15th worst) in household income, more than $9,000 per year below the national average
  • At the same time, Florida’s home values remain high, making the state one of the worst in overall affordability
  • Inflation and higher prices overall are also putting the squeeze on Florida households, but unemployment rates remain better than the national average

Severe inflation continues to plague the U.S. economy, and higher prices have been particularly hard to bear on those with lower pay. While incomes have been generally rising, they have not matched inflation, eroding real wages.

According to census data released in September, the typical U.S. household income was $69,717 in 2021, about $4,000 higher compared to 2019, the last time the Census released an annual American Community Survey, having skipped a year due to data collection problems tied to the pandemic.

While the median income increased nationwide, in many states, wages did not rise to the same degree and remain far lower than average.

The latest census data shows that the typical household in Florida earns $63,062 per year, the 15th lowest median household income among states, and $6,655 less than the national median.

Home values are often a reflection of what local populations can afford, however, even though incomes are lower than average in Florida, home values are not. The typical home in the state is worth $290,700, above the national median home value of $281,400, according to the 2021 ACS.


Rank State Median household income ($) Median home value ($)
1 Mississippi 48,716 145,600
2 West Virginia 51,248 143,200
3 Louisiana 52,087 192,800
4 Arkansas 52,528 162,300
5 Alabama 53,913 172,800
6 New Mexico 53,992 214,000
7 Kentucky 55,573 173,300
8 Oklahoma 55,826 168,500
9 South Carolina 59,318 213,500
10 Tennessee 59,695 235,200
11 Missouri 61,847 198,300
12 North Carolina 61,972 236,900
13 Ohio 62,262 180,200
14 Indiana 62,743 182,400
15 Florida 63,062 290,700
16 Montana 63,249 322,800
17 Michigan 63,498 199,100
18 Kansas 64,124 183,800
19 Maine 64,767 252,100
20 Wyoming 65,204 266,400
21 Iowa 65,600 174,400
22 South Dakota 66,143 219,900
23 Nevada 66,274 373,000
24 Idaho 66,474 369,300
25 North Dakota 66,519 224,400
26 Georgia 66,559 249,700
27 Nebraska 66,817 204,900
28 Texas 66,963 237,400
29 Wisconsin 67,125 230,700
30 Pennsylvania 68,957 222,300
31 Arizona 69,056 336,300
32 Delaware 71,091 300,500
33 Oregon 71,562 422,700
34 Illinois 72,205 231,500
35 Vermont 72,431 271,500
36 Rhode Island 74,008 348,100
37 New York 74,314 368,800
38 Minnesota 77,720 285,400
39 Alaska 77,845 304,900
40 Utah 79,449 421,700
41 Virginia 80,963 330,600
42 Colorado 82,254 466,200
43 Connecticut 83,771 311,500
44 Washington 84,247 485,700
45 Hawaii 84,857 722,500
46 California 84,907 648,100
47 New Hampshire 88,465 345,200
48 New Jersey 89,296 389,800
49 Massachusetts 89,645 480,600
50 Maryland 90,203 370,800


  1. Deborah Coffey

    Duh. Notice anything in common with the top 15 losers? Yep, they’re all red states. Keep voting for Republicans if you want to see how bad off you can really be! Harding, Coolidge and Hoover…the first conservatives to cause and maintain The Great Depression. Some people never learn.

    • krakkerlogik

      I understand the inclination to gather the low hanging fruit and blast away the other side. But you are not getting the whole picture in Mr. Stebbins article. There are many factors other than gross income that should be considered to effectively measure one’s success or comfort zone. Median household income is only ONE of the many factors to be considered. But, as you said, “Some people never learn”

  2. dolphincritic

    If you look at the middle state income range of $62,000 through $66,000 Florida is in that middle group. People do not realize the impact of illegal immigrant labor until you look at these numbers. These are states where unskilled labor gravitates to IF they want to work. Lots of agricultural jobs and lower-level industrial jobs. This glut of cheapo labor has a trickle up effect on the legitimate labor market. When you factor in all those welfare recipients working below the table and off the books, it is amazing wages are as high as they are. We solve this problem at the polls by getting rid of progressives who have ruined our country’s immigration system.
    The same people flooding our labor market bring disease and crime with them. Let’s make a change!

  3. krakkerlogik

    I am curious, did these numbers take into consideration NET income, where, for example, consideration is given for NO STATE INCOME TAX? If no, factor in NY @ 8.82%, NJ @10.54%,DC @ 9% and Calif @13%. Also compare local taxes, housing costs, etc. As Robert Kiyosaki (and others) have said “it’s not what you earn, it’s how much you keep.” I think given these considerations the list above might change a bit………….

  4. Frankly Spoken

    Disney employs thousands of low wage theme Park workers. The constant migration to and from Florida means low, low wages. Minimum wage is a poverty wage and at least 20% of FL jobs are min wage. Very easy to hire and fire. Retirees will work cheaper. Extremely low unemployment payouts cause desperation in claimants, while businesses pay a smaller percentage for unemployment funding. The GOP owns Florida. Governors and Senators have cut back room deals that enrich the 1% and screw the bottom 90% of Floridians. I believe the ranking of 36th may be an overestimation. Look at Florida schools. Look at zoning disasters causing Browardization from Pensacola to Cutler Ridge to Cape Coral. Bad political decisions have ruined old Florida, and the GOP owns the Florida property insurance mess 100%.