Tampa Bay Times admits: Gillum tax plan an economic dumpster fire for Florida

by | Sep 25, 2018


It’s not every day that the Tampa Bay Times publishes the opinions of academics who don’t conform to the talking points of Democrats. But an article published this week in the Times (Four questions you need answered about Andrew Gillum’s corporate tax plan) essentially reinforces Republican claims that Andrew Gillum’s plan to hike taxes would destroy the state’s economy. Among the most damaging paragraphs in the story:

1. Would Gillum’s proposed corporate tax increase stop corporations from moving to Florida?

Academics say that it’s possible. A 2015 research paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research showed that corporations are more likely to pull resources — employees, stores, etc. — from states that raise their corporate tax rates. 

The Times’ writers do their best to avoid calling Gillum’s plan a complete economic disaster, but in point after point, the story merely reinforces that conclusion. The Times even links to another story in the Sarasota Herald Tribune saying that even some Democrat elected officials admit it’s an economic catastrophe, urging Gillum to rethink the proposal. From that article:

That the majority of local Democrats running for the Legislature are reluctant to get on board with Gillum’s tax hike underscores how liberal some of his proposals are. Gillum — the African American mayor of Tallahassee — may be the most liberal candidate Democrats have ever nominated to run for governor in Florida. [emphasis added]

Another gem from the Times’ article:

Still, Miguel Santos, the chair of the economics department at the University of Miami’s Business School, said Gillum’s plan could make Florida marginally less competitive than neighboring states when it comes to attracting new corporations. 

The Times also contrasts Gillum’s plan to hike taxes with the 2017 GOP tax cuts signed into law by President Trump:

If businesses have more money to work with, the [2017 GOP] bill’s supporters said, profits will inevitably trickle down to rank-and-file employees in the form of increased wages and jobs. Former U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis, Gillum’s Republican opponent in the governor’s race, voted for the bill. 

Some large corporations in Florida have passed along some of those tax savings to workers. In February, Publix announced it would give its hourly employees a raise to make the chain more competitive with other large retailers, who were doing the same.

Of course, the Times barely touched on one of the most obvious flaws with Gillum’s plan – the fact that even though it hikes “corporate” tax rates, those corporations will, in many cases, pass those additional costs on to Florida consumers, raising the cost of goods and services in the state.

When both fellow Democrats and the leading liberal media outlet in the state admit that Andrew Gillum’s tax hike is a threat to Florida’s economy, something is clearly wrong.




  1. Marty

    Another far left socialist who wants more money for himself. He was the mayor of a city so crime ridden and rated high in murders. No this sorry jackass doesn’t belong in any government job.

    • Nick

      Your comment makes no sense. Where does it say he wants more money for himself? Far left socialist for raising taxes?

      You’re just trying to confirm your own biases. Use your head, Marty.

      • Bob

        Andrew Gillum is in bed with the socialist communists of America. Do your research and don’t get your info from Fake News. Look up his corruption scam in Tallahassee, his mortgage scam and his policies. He is no good for minorities other than offer free stuff for your vote. Has no vision or plans to make Florida successful. When you tax the corporations higher, they leave the state and take the jobs with them. When you tax the wealthy they leave the state and take their money with them. So that leaves us hardworking midfle class to absorb his huge tax increases which will in turn make us poorer. Great plan Gillum and democrats. Idiots.

        • TV

          Wait, are you talking about Rick Scott? Sounds just like him. And you voted for him, right? So, you will vote for Gillum as well, I take it.

        • Anonymous

          Gillum is a moron communist. I fled Soviet communists in the 1970’s and here I am faced with another one.

      • DemSRNazi’s

        Democrats are doing what Hitler did. Supressing speech, trying to take away our rights, censoring conservatives etc. DemocRAT or not, you people better wake up. The media, public schools, Hollywood and government have been loaded up with communists. Why do you think these people are getting destroyed for having their own opinions? For disagreeing with these communist $hitbags. You may not be democrat like you think. I’m independent and voting red. Save yourselves. Don’t vote for him just because he’s black. The country was in ruins with that before with Obummer and all his failed policies because people voted color over character. Vote for the right person. There are plenty of socialist nations with no jobs, high crime, rapists and people starving. Move there if you want to. Tell us how you like it. Leave Florida alone. Democrats are the new Nazi Party. Research what Nazi’s did to take control. Same as Democrats playbook.

        • jason doyle

          I gotta say I couldnt agree more…However Americans are easily swayed…and to be honest if RED TIDE wasnt a major issue ..>DeSantis would probably win…..Its sad…Americans will vote for full blown communists if they think they will get free shit

          • Anonymous

            You’re probably right. Red tide has been happening since long before Europeans even set foot on this continent, but suddenly it can be stopped by a politician? I hope for the sake of Florida this idiot is prevented from the governorship by voters. Desantis is no prize either, but Gillum is just terrifying.

  2. Anonymous

    Unbiased Reporting ?

  3. Bob

    Gillum = Higher Taxes, more crime, corruption, take your guns, hates law enforcement and Sanctuary City. He will turn Florida into a California/ Venezuela. He is funded by billionaire radicals George Soros and others. He is a communist that wants to ruin Florida and he hates America.

  4. Tyrone Jackson

    Andrew Gillum wants to give out freebies. Socialism NEVER works. Nothing is free. He will bankrupt Florida. He failed in Tallahassee and is under FBI investigation for corruption. He is a Radical Left Wing Socialist Democrat funded by Soros. Look up Soros who is funding all the illegals coming to America. Soros hates America. Gillum proudly took his money and publcly said he loves Soros!!!

  5. Quantavious Lopez

    Democrats are supposed to be party of the poor. Yet Gillum is taking money from Anti-American foreign Billionaires. The democrats hate blacks and were the party of the KKK. Lincoln and the Republicans freed the blacks. (Fact) look it up. Gillum wants to raise minimum wage to $15 hr. Which will cause companies to lay people off, increase prices for us and buy robots to replace humans to save the money. Great idea Gillum. He also wants all the illegals to come in and take our jobs and commit crimes in our neighborhoods. He’s a communist!!

  6. Jon Nyguen

    Andrew Gillum is in bed with the socialist communists of America. Do your research and don’t get your info from Fake News. Look up his corruption scam in Tallahassee, his mortgage scam and his policies. He is no good for minorities other than offer free stuff for your vote. Has no vision or plans to make Florida successful. When you tax the corporations higher, they leave the state and take the jobs with them. When you tax the wealthy they leave the state and take their money with them. So that leaves us hardworking midfle class to absorb his huge tax increases which will in turn make us poorer. Great plan Gillum and democrats. Idiots.

  7. Hector Rodriguez

    Wake up Florida!!! The Democrats want to make Florida a third world country. They want to wipe out the middle class and just have rich and poor. It gives them power. They hate us hardworking middle class people. Gillum will destroy Florida and your lives. Do research on SOCIALISM. It has destroyed every country that has tried it. It will take your freedom and make you poor. Educate yourselves. Gillum is a lifetime goverment employee and has sucked off the government tit his whole life. He’s bad news. Look at what SOCIALISM has done to Venezuela, Russia, California and everywhere else it has failed. Gillum wants to take your hard earned money and hand it out to illegals, people who don’t want to work snd for his special interests groups for more votes and power.