Trump campaign on Kamala Harris’s visit to Florida: ‘too little, too late’

by | Oct 19, 2020

Democratic vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris made in a stop in Orlando on Monday to rally support as early voting kicks off in the Sunshine State.

Campaigning at a drive-in rally at the Central Florida Fairgrounds, Harris spoke on the importance of the election and encouraged Floridians to take advantage of early voting.

“They know when we vote, we win,” Harris said to a chorus of horns. “When we vote, we change things. We make it better.”

“We know our power. We know our power. They know our power. They know our power and we know our power. And that’s why we’re all here today. Because we know our power. And we know we will never let anybody take our power from us,” she continued.

Harris also criticized President Donald Trump‘s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and lambasted him for trying to repeal Obamacare.

Despite holding a commanding double-digit lead nationally, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden only holds a slight edge over Trump — 48.7 percent to 46 percent — in Florida.

Florida, which has 29 electoral votes up for grabs, continues to be an important piece of real estate for the Trump campaign. Losing the state in 2016 would make it almost impossible for Trump to retain the White House, while polls show Biden has other avenues to victory.

Following today’s campaign event, the Trump campaign responded to Harris’s rally, saying it was “too little, too late” for Biden and Harris to win Florida.

“Kamala Harris’s last-minute efforts in Florida are too little, too late,” said Trump campaign spokesperson Emma Vaughn. Regardless of who Joe Biden sends to stump in the Sunshine State on his behalf, Floridians will soundly reject Biden’s platform that will destroy jobs, pack the courts, and hike taxes. Meanwhile, President Trump and Republicans are experiencing record-high enthusiasm and have a massive ground game operation that will deliver Florida on November 3rd.”

Harris’s stop comes two weeks out until the General Election on Nov. 3. Harris is also scheduled to make an appearance at another voter mobilization event in Jacksonville later today.

1 Comment

  1. Jackie

    Well that was intelligent presentation! What power?