Bill Nelson’s latest campaign ad (see below) attacking his opponent, Rick Scott, enlists the help of a couple of animated frogs sitting in green slime that repeatedly say “RRRRReck Skaahttt.”
The :30 second spot is called “Swamp” and attacks Scott’s record as governor, who it blames for the recent toxic algae blooms in South Florida.
“In the swamp of Tallahassee he’s a legend,” the announcer says. “Rick Scott,” the frogs grunt.
In addition to placing blame on Scott for the algae blooms, the spot brings up a slate of old accusations against the governor, including Medicare fraud and benefiting financially from state business dealings.
“The CEO who made $300 million after defrauding Medicare. Rick Scott,” the ad goes on. “The governor who gave contracts to donors that cost taxpayers $30 million. Rick Scott. He made $550 million and hid it from the voters. Rick Scott. Now our Florida is poisoned with Toxic algae. Rick Scott.
“He’s so slimy, leave him in Tallahassee,” the announcer says. “We can’t trust Red Tide Rick. Nope.”
Meanwhile, Scott released his latest ad (see below). It’s called “Good for Florida.” It highlights what the campaign says is “Scott’s commitment to working with President Donald Trump when it is good for Florida and America, and his willingness to disagree with the president when it is not.”
The ad counters a spot released earlier this week by the Nelson campaign claiming Scott would essentially put the needs of the President ahead of those of Floridians.
“Florida needs a senator who will work with the President of the United States,” says Scott in the ad. “That may seem obvious. But Bill Nelson refuses to work with the president on anything – even issues that really matter to Florida. In fact, Nelson says President Trump should be abolished. Really? Abolished?
“As for me, I’ll work with President Trump when he’s doing things that are good for Florida and America,” Scott goes on to say. “And when I disagree, I have the courage to say so.
The Scott campaign claims Nelson has refused to work with President Trump, even on issues that matter to Florida.