White Nationalist Speaking at a Florida University?

by | Sep 6, 2017

White nationalist leader Richard Spencer continues to push for the opportunity to speak on the campus of the University of Florida.

A First Amendment attorney is hoping an announcement could be made today. The attorney represents Spencer, Cameron Padgett, a student from a Georgia university who is trying to organize the speaking event and the National Policy Institute.

UF President Kent Fuchs denied the request for Spencer to speak. The change of heart is the result of a threat of a federal lawsuit filing against the university.

The attorney says the possibility of a resolution is on the way so a federal law suit won’t be necessary. But the terms of the speech are still being worked out.

President Fuchs had said he had security concerns as why he was denying the first request from Spencer after the deadly incident in Charlottesville, Virginia.the initial request for Spencer to speak on campus. The concerns came after a white nationalist rally turned deadly last month in Charlottesville, Va.