With the state’s continued growth, Florida businesses focus on keeping up with infrastructure

by | May 4, 2018

As Florida continues to grow, so do the demands placed on the state’s infrastructure. Keeping up with those infrastructure needs is a concern of Florida’s business community. To help insure those needs are being met, the Florida Chamber of Commerce announced on Friday the creation of a coalition that will speak with a “unified voice” for businesses preparing for Florida’s future growth.

The Florida Chamber’s Infrastructure Coalition will work to make sure the state makes long-term investments in securing and improving the infrastructure in areas such as energy, water, transportation, telecommunications, and agriculture.

“With 26 million people expected to call Florida home by 2030, a growing Florida means a growing need for infrastructure to support our increasing population and increasing visitors,” said Mark Wilson, the Chamber’s president and CEO.

Ananth Prasad, the former secretary of the state Department of Transportation, will lead the coalition. Prasad is the president-designate of the Florida Transportation Builders’ Association.

“As we look toward the future of infrastructure in Florida, we must dream big,” said Prasad.  “Tourism is up, Florida’s population continues to grow, and now, we must match it with innovations in every mode of infrastructure to move people and goods more efficiently.”

The Coalition’s mission will be to maximize Florida’s economic growth opportunities, working with Florida leaders to “double down” on the state’s efforts in preparing for the state’s future growth.

“Florida’s economy will reach $1 trillion by the end of 2018, and it’s important that we continue to focus on strategic, innovative and transformative infrastructure investments that will allow Florida to continue to compete and succeed on a global scale,” said Senate President Designate Bill Galvano, who has placed infrastructure among his top legislative priorities. “By working together with the business community and the Florida Chamber’s Infrastructure Coalition, we can ensure a prosperous future for Florida.”

The coalition plans to travel to the nation’s capital to meet with members of Florida’s Congressional Delegation and officials at the U.S. Department of Transportation during National Infrastructure Week. The group will provide its list of recommended infrastructure investments to state and federal leaders.