Women Speak Out PAC releases pro life ad in Florida, other battleground states

by | Aug 18, 2020

Women Speak Out (WSO), the SuperPac for Susan B. Anthony List  released a pro life ad just days ahead of the DNC Convention in states such as Florida, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania to promote the pro life cause and what is at stake in November. According to the release, the Biden/Harris ticket has the worst voting record on abortion for a Presidential ticket in American history.

You can watch the full ad here.

The Super PAC has a budget of $52 million for the 2020 cycle, including get out the vote efforts which goes with canvassing as well as voter calls to elect pro-life leaders at the state and federal levels. To date, SBA list has visited 1.2 million doors as well as more than 1.5 million calls to voters across the country, they say.

“Senator Harris is the most liberal senator with a long history of a pro abortion agenda dating back to her time as the California Attorney General,” said Mallory Quigley, Vice President of Communications for SBA list. “Harris also refuses to protect born-alive abortion survivors, as well as in favor of late term abortion. This presidential ticket would work to fill the Supreme Court with pro-abortion judges, continue to work towards abortion on demand, and would essentially reverse decades of pro-life victories.”

Polling released by SBA List in June of last year found that a majority (50%) of voters are less likely to support Joe Biden following his flip-flop on the Hyde Amendment, when he announced he supports using tax dollars to pay for abortions after decades of advocating against it. This includes 55% of Independent voters who say they are less likely to support him.

Marist polling conducted earlier this year shows 44% of Democrats and 62% of Independents want to vote for a candidate who supports common-ground limits on abortion.

You can read more about how the candidates stand on all pro life issues here.


1 Comment

  1. Beth

    I am pro choice. I believe in Joe Biden. Life long Democratic. CEASE AND DESIST SENDING OUT YOUR PROPAGANDA BULLSHIT!