Workman outworking Mayfield in fundraising

by | Aug 1, 2016


Despite three huge loans to her campaign for Senate District 17, State Representative Debbie Mayfield is having trouble keeping pace with Ritch Workman‘s consistent fundraising efforts. Month after month, Workman has steadily built a sizable cash-on-hand advantage going into the final month of the contentious Republican primary.

The actual numbers are fluid, and could change with the single stroke of another big check from donors to either candidate, or yet another loan from Mayfield. But counting campaign accounts, political committees and electioneering communications organizations supporting both candidates, Workman had a tremendous cash-on-hand advantage with just over five weeks left in the primary: $441,554 versus just $76,761 for Mayfield.

Here’s my math:

From its inception through July 22nd (the most recent reporting period available as of post time), Workman’s campaign account has raised $401,080. By contrast, Mayfield’s campaign has raised just $127,385 from inception until July 22nd. When combined with three big personal loans totaling $400,000, her campaign has taken in $527,385, and has spent most of that, leaving her with just $73,173, compared with $162,349 cash on hand for Workman.

But their campaign accounts only offer part of the picture. Both candidates are supported by political committees and/or electioneering communications organizations, each of which can accept large sums of money from donors.

Citizens United for Liberty and Freedom, a political committee controlled by Workman, posted a strong July, raising $100,000 over the past four weeks alone, while spending just $8,000. Combined with previous fundraising and expenditures, the committee still has about $138,700 on hand as of July 22nd.

Rounding out the Workman arsenal is an electioneering communications organization (ECO) called the Accomplished Conservatives Leadership Fund. That group took in $95,000 in July, including $65,000 in the most recent reporting period ending July 22nd. The group has $140,505 on hand.

Add it all up, and Workman will take at least $441,554 into the August homestretch.

Analyzing Mayfield’s third party support network is a bit trickier. One committee, Stop Career Politicians, is supporting her directly, and has raised $160,000 and spent nearly all of it, $156,412, leaving the committee with just $3,588 on hand. The organization collected most of its funding from another entity, Free Speech PAC, which in turn raised contributions from a variety of sources. Free Speech PAC currently has about $41,000 on hand, but it is not clear how much of that money will be used specifically in support of Mayfield’s campaign. Not counting those dollars, Mayfield will have at least $76,761 going into the final five weeks of the campaign.

Of course, none of this analysis takes into account the vast sums of cash already spent. Almost certainly the bulk of Mayfield’s expenditures have gone toward direct mail and media buys, with some of those resources yet to land in mailboxes and living rooms.

Nevertheless, Workman has plenty of cash available to make his case to voters in the closing month of the primary. And the numbers for the final week of July are due shortly, which should provide a clearer picture of exactly how the race will shape up.