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New Ashley Moody campaign ad attacks her opponent’s conservative credentials, experience

With the primary election just three weeks away, the political battle in the race for the Republican nomination for attorney general is heating up with both candidates challenging each others conservative credentials.

The Ashley Moody campaign released its second political ad Tuesday that attempts to paint her opponent, Rep. Frank White, D-Pensacola, as inexperienced and questions his claim to being a true conservative.

The ad features some of the dozens of Florida sheriffs who have endorsed Moody.

“Defend the constitution,” says Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd.

“Lock up criminals,” says Franklin County Sheriff A.J, Smith.

“That’s the job of our Attorney General,” follows Seminole County Sheriff Dennis Lemma. “Prosecutor Ashley Moody’s done it.”

“Politician Frank White hasn’t,” says Clay County Sheriff Darryl Daniels.

Sheriff Lemma then questions White’s conservative values.

White’s a car salesman turned politician—whose old firm gave thousands to liberals,”

Lemma says.

The Moody ad follows one released by White last month (see below) that calls into question Moody’s conservative credentials. It pointed out that Moody was once a Democrat and called Moody a liberal who donated to pro-abortion Democrats.

“The choice is clear for attorney general,” the announcer says in the White ad.. “Conservative Frank White or liberal Judge Ashley Moody?  White has the highest A+ rating from the NRA and is 100 percent pro-life or liberal Moody who used to be a Democrat and donated money to pro-abortion liberals.”

Polls have shown White leading in the race.