AFP Action FL endorses 10 Republican candidates ahead of general election

by | Sep 4, 2024

Americans for Prosperity Action Florida announced 10 additional endorsements of Republican candidates, expanding its commitment to supporting them through grassroots mobilization, digital outreach, and targeted advertising for the general election.

Americans for Prosperity Action Florida (AFP Action FL) announced 10 additional endorsements of Republican candidates on Wednesday.

The slew of endorsements follow AFP Action FL’s involvement in Florida’s primary elections, where the group backed 29 candidates, 11 of whom emerged victorious. For the general election, AFP Action FL plans to support its endorsed candidates with grassroots mobilization, digital outreach, and targeted advertising campaigns.

“These leaders will help ensure that Florida remains free and prosperous,” said Skylar Zander, senior advisor for AFP Action FL. Zander emphasized that the endorsements were based on a combination of primary election results and feedback from grassroots supporters.

Among the endorsed candidates is Chad Johnson (HD-22), a former county commissioner known for his strong fiscal conservatism. Bill Partington (HD-28), a former mayor, was also endorsed for his focus on reducing taxes and expanding educational options. Additionally, Rep. Kevin Steele (HD-55) has been recognized for his advocacy on healthcare reform and protecting independent contractor rights.

The organization also threw its support behind incumbents including Rep. Adam Anderson (HD-57) and Rep. Linda Chaney (HD-61), both of whom have championed initiatives aimed at increasing healthcare access and promoting regulatory reform. Rep. Will Robinson (HD-71), another incumbent, has been a key figure in efforts to expand telehealth services and streamline healthcare regulations. Rep. Tiffany Esposito (HD-77) and Rep. Adam Botana (HD-80) were both also backed, with AFP Action FL pointing to the pair’s efforts in occupational licensing reforms and parental rights in education, respectively.

The organization also endorsed Meg Weinberger (HD-94), noting her focus on tax reduction and deregulation, and Rep. Juan Porras (HD-119), for his work on education reform and labor issues.


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